It was inevitable that the teacher’s attention would eventually come to Raule given the higher year’s class sizes. There were just over a dozen of his peers in the class and, beyond it, barely 200 fifth years if he wasn’t mistaken. Their low numbers and variety of classes inevitably meant a teacher was responsible for usually only a dozen students at most. He lifted his head from the hand that propped it up and looked at the teacher, eyes unfocused and distant. Blinking, he refocused on the obese teacher before asking, [b]“I’m sorry Mr. Jovich, but could you repeat the question?”[/b] That was polite enough right? Evidently just barely if the twitch of the man’s eyebrow was anything to judge by. “Very well, but do not let your attention slip in my class again.” Fat chance of that, but Raule simply nodded and waited for the man to repeat the question. “As I said, describe one of the events that led to the Age of Idiocracy’s end by the turn of the decade. A hint, if you require it, would be July 2018.” Raule nodded once the professor had finished speaking, frowning a bit, as he seemed to be lost in thought, trying to think of something. [b]“Well,”[/b] he said with a shrug after a few moments, [b]“I have no idea Mr. Jovice.”[/b] Raule was surprised he managed to keep his face straight when the professor’s face bulged out in a show of emotions; likely disbelief and possibly anger. Hey, it wasn’t Raule’s fault that he didn’t take history too seriously, as most people didn’t, unlike their teacher. [center]_____________________________[/center] He let out a small sigh when the obese man shuffled his way out of the door, rubbing his forehead in annoyance. Oh he was sure there were interesting things about the subject, but even combat class would have been mind-numbing under Mr. Jovice. Ignoring the fact that he had probably painted a big target on himself for the professor, Raule glanced at his schedule once more before he trudged out the classroom to his next class alongside a few of his classmates. [center]_____________________________[/center] Flipping backwards, Raule felt his foot connect with a dummy’s chin before the construct was sent flying upwards. Spinning mid-air, he continued into an axe-kick that drove yet another robot into the metal floor. Grinding down on its head until the machine “died” and stilled, he hopped back to avoid a flurry of attacks the remaining machines launched at him. Blocking whatever he couldn’t evade, the trio of practice dummies pushed him back relentlessly. Eventually with a grin though, Raule stopped his retreat and stood firm in the face of their assault. Dozens of blows were traded between man and machines, with the intensity only increasing as the four came to a standstill. Such a thing had to be broken though, and unsurprisingly, it was Raule that was sent flying away into the arena’s walls. Spinning so he landed feet first to absorb the impact, he didn’t lunge straight back into the fray against the three. The three remained motionless as he dropped back to the floor, simply content to observe. Cracking his neck, he was about to try again when the speakers came to life. “Raule, period’s over. Get yourself to lunch.” The four dummies, including the one he had downed, returned to their storage areas while he sighed in disappointment. Advanced Combat was probably the “funnest” hour of his schedule, and it was disappointing he had only managed to take down one of the dummies in the time. It wasn’t like he could just spend his free time here either. Anything other than their highest settings wasn’t enough of a challenge, and that was only allowed with staff supervision, much less fighting against 4 dummies at once. Rolling his shoulders, he stepped up to the automated doors and left the arena behind. [center]_____________________________[/center] He didn’t feel like spending his free time in line for food he didn’t really need, so he avoided the cafeteria. Hanging around the training grounds, he passed a bit of time walking past the various arenas and glancing in. A few were in use for a variety of purposes given the wide number of systems installed. Chewing on a piece of jerky for the sake of doing so, Raule continued to wander around aimlessly. There weren’t many people around aside from those that had dedicated their time to improving their skills, most people had their stomachs to look after after all.