Taiyo watched the group scatter after he led them to the rooms. Everybody seemed to find their rooms all-right. Mai came up to him, and asked about setting up a shrine. "Oh yes, I'll lead you to the special arrangements we've made for you, Mai. You know you have a room here, right? Well, follow me." He waved at the passing deities preparing their rooms, and led her back out the front. He walked to the side, and around the huge school. At the back, was a small courtyard with four pagodas. He led her to the blue one facing the horizon. "Here, is your shrine to Tsukuyomi." He led her inside, and gestured around with his hand. The place was a bit dimmer, with candles about, and a starry ceiling. Pale white statues of the moon god himself were spaced out in the inside. The floor was hard wood, and had carpets over a few areas, such as an altar with a large mirror. "The mirror can be used to contact him, or to pass back into and out of the shrine to your room, or other places with such a mirror. You might have noticed a mirror in your room... I hope you find the shrine to your liking. If not, we can always arrange different plans." He took her hand, and stepped up onto the altar and through the mirror. They ended up in her room. "I was told to keep an extra careful watch over you, Miss Tsugami. You know as well as I do, there are some deities here that might like to use you, or hurt you. It's my job as a keeper of order to make sure nothing bad happens to any of you. You as a human deserve more respect for the job you are doing, and I'll see to it that swift justice is laid upon anybody who dares take advantage of your position." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a ring. "Wear this. As long as you do, you can speak to me even if you aren't close, and I've been told that it was enchanted to keep anybody from tampering with your mind. It will also alert me if somebody does. These strict measures have been taken to ensure your safety. Do not take advantage of the school's kindness. It is your choice to accept this." He said, in a serious tone, almost as if he were reciting rules. "That's all I have to say about the security for now..." The tense air cleared, and he smiled. "Anyway, It's a pleasure to accommodate you, Mai. I'd love to be friends with you, and the other students. Even the ones that are supposed to hate me. I hope that can be a possibility." He bowed once, and left, shutting the door behind him. On to the others. He raised his hand in the air, and called forth a ball of light "EEY! ATTENTION!" He called, and reached into the bag beside him, pulling out sheets of paper. "Line up by alphabetical order, please!" He handed schedules to everybody. They'd find that they had four classes. Three of which they'd share together. The three were: Natural Law P.E. History The last class was one specifically applying to each god's purpose Taiyo, and Evera Shared a class, but everyone else's classes were separate.