At Loreal's smartass-y comment, Ariadne felt like rolling her eyes and answering, [I]well, duh.[/I] But she refrained from doign so. She went behind her and started following her. [B]"I'll take you up on that!"[/B] Ari walked a little faster until she was beside Loreal. Ari thought that Loreal wasn't really fond of her, so she brought it up. [B]"Say, Lori,"[/B] Ari addressed her with her new nickname. [B]"Why are you being so cold with me? Did I do anything wrong?"[/B] She knew she had done countless 'wrong' things, but she didn't knew if one of them had offended Loreal. Though, before Loreal could answer, Ariadne took a head start, after spotting Ark some ways away from her. [B]"Um, sorry, I need to go say something to that guy."[/B] She said with an apologetic smile on her face. Not noticing Dagny, Ari ran to where Ark was sitting. Ari was breathing heavily and seemed quite tired. Ugh, running like that when it is so cold only made her muscles go even number. She put up her hand, to signal him to wait for a bit. After catching her breath, she sat down near Ark, maybe a bit too near, but it was that or feel her muscles go to sleep slowly because of the weather. [B]"Hey there. I just wanted to come and say.... that I'm sorry. I tried to tease you for a bit, and well, it seems to have backfired. So, I just wanted to say that and apologize for taking you for a fool. Now, bye-bye!"[/B] Ariadne was about to stand up and leave after saying her piece, but the cold weather got to her more than she initially thought. Her legs gave up on her, and she couldn't help but fall over Ark's lap. [B]"Well, this is awkward. Sorry, but my legs aren't really listening to me right now, think I can stay here for a while?"[/B]