[i] Nearby Bushwick Brooklyn [/i] A homeless unnatural holed himself in Bushwick, after weeks of straining himself to keep moving forward. Caked with mud, sweat, and more filth that he had encountered in his 'pilgrimage' to a holyland. Although some parts of Brooklyn are sights that bring out the Americas pride and patriotism, not all of the city is something it should show the rest of the world. One of these parts was where Nur-Ayya found himself. He was part of the homeless brigade. One of those who hadn't bathed in months, and brought upon the disgust of those around him. Although he could say he has been through worse, he certainly wasn't at his prime. However, the hope of finding the haven he has been dreaming of keeps him going despite the deplorable conditions he has found himself in. Despite his tattered clothes and rumbling stomach giving out other hints, Nur's morning mood was rather impressive considering his current status. His feet have once again proven to him their worth, and he was in Brooklyn. Months of travelling and pain have paid off, and now all he had to worry about was the authenticity of the rumors and stories that he had heard. Previously laying in the least filthy alley he could find, now he was standing and forcing his way outside. The rain started to tear at his happiness as it began to soak into his clothes and make him more uncomfortable than he had been before. He spoke quietly to himself, trying to get motivated. He knew that he was closer to his garden of eden then ever before, and that if lady luck was smiling, he could experience the pleasures of his old life once more. [i] Its ok Nur, you've come this far. Keep waiting, keep working, and you will find the sun again. [/i] Through his metaphors and determination, Nur was able to smooth-talk himself into action once again. He carried himself out of Bushwick and began to explore the nearby streets. The goal clear in his mind, to find information, was resounding through him and his conscious. However, he knew that simply asking people he crossed was not going to get him anywhere. He had no clue who was safe to ask, what to do if he asked the wrong people, and also began to doubt that Brooklyn would even work out for him. [i]'Yeah, who would let some home-less looking fuck like me ask 'em about that kind of shit anyway.' [/i] His mood quickly began to darken even more now that he was fully awake and more aware. Despite the fact he felt close to victory, a hopelessness he hadn't felt in a long time began to work it's way back into him.