[b]Scarlett - Baton Rouge[/b] Scarlett turned to Tyler as he mentioned her sister. She hadn't forgotten about her but she was taking a quick break from all the madness that had occurred to her in the last 48 hours. "Um. Yes, I lost Samantha." Scarlett frowned as she heard that there hadn't been any strangers since the last two that came and stayed here. "She looks exactly like me. We're identical twins, except that she's kept her hair long. Never really been a big fan of change." She smiled slightly at the faint memory of when they had gone to cut their hair but she backed out, before the madness ensued. Scarlett then frowned as the most frequent events came to mind. "We were taken by these men. A bunch of thugs. Sam didn't know at the time. It all happened within a matter of days. Maybe a week or two and everything we had worked for gone." Anger and sadness filled her as she began talking about it, her eyes looking down as she explained what happened. "We were in a group full of our colleagues. We had one soldier who had been going part time there, two former Marines, an older woman studying to be a vet tech, a few athletes including my sister, and then there was me. A pretty decent sized group. The athletes were the ones that did supply runs since they could literally run for miles without getting tired. The ones with military experience kept us safe and showed us how to handle weapons, and the vet tech would take care of us and show us how to administer and IV or give shots if needed. But one day on a run, they found a young man. Probably around my age. He seemed lovely when we first met him. My sister, Samantha, isn't exactly the most open person. She takes stranger danger to the max.... But something about this guy made her ignore every rule she had set up." Scarlett made a face as if she was still confused and annoyed. "She was the main leader of the group, mainly because she had such great intuition and said things straight up. She wasn't afraid. But this guy sweetened her up, confessed his love, and made her in to a total girl. I noticed that he would disappear a lot. He'd come back with animals he'd hunted but I knew there was something up. The others thought so too, but of course Sam didn't want to hear it." Scarlett shrugged and rolled her eyes then looked up at those who were listening, mainly Elyse. "He was in a group of thugs. He had been playing us and Sam and they raided our camp in the woods one night. Killed most of our group. Kept only the young women. I haven't seen her after that... I was lucky to trick those pathetic men and run for it. I could only hope she had the same luck. This happened the night before? I don't know.. It's been a good day or so. I've been walking for miles." Scarlett smiled kindly at the older woman and the others before leaning back on the chair and holding in her tears. She took a glance over to the door and saw Liam still stood there quietly. "Liam, come sit down. It's okay." She grinned and gestured to a chair across the table from her.