[center][i]I've roleplayed with the best...[/i][/center] [center][i]I've fled from the worst...[/i][/center] [center][i]I've been abandoned by ditchers...[/i][/center] [center][i]I've been found by the creative...[/i][/center] [b]Hello, everyone![/b] I took a week off to just sit and rest...and get back to work. My recovery from surgery took a little longer than I thought it would, but I've got more energy now and my creativity is coming back to me ((ABOUT FLIPPEN' TIME!)). In turn, I now want to find a few good roleplayers to...well...roleplay with! I'm going to break this up into sections using the hider tags. Let's jump in. [hider=A little about me...] I'm referred to as Caoimhe or Miss Gallagher. I'm 24 (25 in November). I run a small business and I keep busy. People consider me to be advance, but I'm fine RPing in high-casual for those who aren't able to post in the advance level yet. Personally, I like mixing the two levels as it allows people to post what they need and not force themselves to post 'fluff'. I'm able to post multiple times a day, including when at work (if weather permits my phone to be out in the open). I roleplay both hetero and lesbian based roleplays/pairings. I roleplay females in hetero and females in lesbian (duh?). I do not play male characters as MAIN characters. I am fine playing all genders for secondary characters or for supporting roles. This should make it clear that I am capable of playing more than one person when needed or required for the plot. However, to the women, please know that I am very picky with lesbian RPs as I've had many lazy/immature female partners. So, you have to actually grab my interest when you contact me to make it clear that you WANT to roleplay. Just saying; "Hi, I want to do this--" is lack luster and usually points to a partner who will ditch me if I go on my past experiences... I roleplay most genres, but I am picky about character types. I draw my character and have specific types of characters I prefer to play. I enjoy action, romance, sex, etc. However, over it all, I enjoy a good plot. All and all, I'm very friendly, love to OOC and get to know my partner. I do not like to play the 'blame game' when something does work. It's easier just to move on. More so, all because we cannot roleplay does not mean we cannot be friends in OOC. That's all for now! Move along to the next section! [/hider] [hider=What I seek in my partners] My partners must be 18+ due to possible mature content. With that said, they must be open to mature content if it appears. Fade to black is fine in specific circumstances where the scene would ruin the roleplay, but if you're 100% against it, please hit the back button now. Partners must be of at least a high-casual level or higher. My partners MUST be the same gender of the character they are playing. I've had one too many bad experiences with women playing men and men trying to play women that I do not allow it anymore. Time is important. I understand that we're adults and we have jobs and things to do. However, I still expect at least one, preferably more, post a day. Maturity, demeanor/personality wise, is important to me. If you play the 'blame game' when something goes wrong, quit roleplays if the plot isn't going your way, etc, then leave. I want a partner who, if something is going wrong, we discuss it as adults. Also, I seek partners who understand that the fantasy world is not bound by realistic limitations. If we're doing a realistic roleplay, I understand realism...but if we're doing fantasy, don't be the type of person who bitches at every little 'unrealistic' thing that happens. It's called fantasy/fiction for a reason. That's about all, so if you qualify in here, move on to the next section. [/hider] [b]Hetero Based Plots[/b] ✎ Jasper's Asylum [hider=plot]A down-on-his-luck Journalist is in need of a big story to keep himself afloat. His last big hit came years earlier when he wrote an article about a patient suffering from demonic delusions. After that, nothing else hit big and life spun out of control. One night prior to bed, he receives an e-mail from someone named 'Gallagher'. He doesn't know who it is, but it mentions 'Jasper's Asylum'. This is the same Asylum he did his paper at years before. The e-mail states that there is a story waiting for him. Patients are being experimented on and he could fix an injustice by revealing it to the public. Although he's unsure about the reliability of the e-mail, he doesn't want to miss his chance for something big and heads out immediately. The asylum is quiet and almost eerie. The gates are unlocked, but the main door is bolted tight. He plans to leave, but when he spots a broken window, he worries someone might be hurt inside and makes his way in. What he doesn't know is that the e-mail only told half of the true story. Experiments were being run on the patients, but that was months ago... Since then, the asylum has become overrun by mentally unstable and physically deformed patients who have hunted down the staff and guards to punish them for their [i]crimes[/i]. After getting to the second floor, he is attacked and takes shelter in a small director's room. In this room, he finds a young woman in patient clothing, but she tells him that she's not really a patient. She was a doctor at the asylum until she found out about the experiments and was forced into isolation. Knowing that they won't be able to escape the way he came in, the team together to both find an exit, but to also record the activity going on inside the asylum. [/hider] ✎ Rome's Tranquil Blade [hider=plot]After being taken from her land alongside her twin brother and brought to Rome as slaves, her brother assists in her escape before she can be sold at the brothels, leaving him behind to be sent to fight in the coliseum for the entertainment of the masses. When she learns what they have planned for him, she asks the man he paid to rescue her to give her the chance to repay the debt and take his place. Although they are both against it, she forces them to allow the swap. Her first battle is a small achievement, but each battle to come, she grows stronger and more brutal. Her brother is only safe as long as she wins, but in time, this no longer mattered...for he would succumb to his illness. Now, a year later, her life is in the arena as a prized and valuable fighter. Nicknamed "The Mute Warrior", she fights hard...but for no true reason other than to survive. The emperor is very impressed with the fighter's skill, to the point his son has become enraged. His father always compares him to the fighter and doesn't praise his own skill, which is quite great compared to most. After watching a fight, he decides to confront the gladiator and ask for a fight. He storms into the bathing chamber in the arena where only a few slaves are allowed to bathe and finds...that his target...is in fact...a woman... (This can also be swapped for the Emperor finding out or switched to a gladiator). [/hider] ✎ Glint of a Gun [hider=plot]When the leader of the most powerful gang in the west has a feud with his partner in crime, he heads out on his own, leaving the group behind. It's not long before he ends up caught and thrown in jail to be hung. After managing an escape, he runs out of town and attempts to steal a horse he sees in a moonlit field, only to be knocked out cold by a strike to the head. When he awakes, he's tied up inside a barn with a woman sitting across from him. This woman isn't just any woman though. She's a legendary bounty hunter known as Blind Eyed Gunner--known for shooting her guns without looking...and the white eye she prominently displays. To his relief, she doesn't plan to take him to jail. Instead, she wants his assistance in hunting down his old gang, as they have been proven guilty of murdering an entire village, and many cases of rape of women and children. She tells him that, if he assists, she will give him half of the bounty money and allow him to walk free... Not wanting to go back to jail, he agrees. However, it's clear the two might not get along from the start, causing some unneeded tension, but it's also clear that there's a lot more to the both of them than meets the eye.[/hider] ✎ Thrown Back [hider=plot]One late Halloween night, a young woman is in a rush to get to her friend's party. She knows they plan to break into an wax-museum to try and scare the new students from their college. While in the museum, she becomes separated from her friends and feels as if someone is following her. In a panic, she runs, becoming even more lost. When she finally comes to a stop, she is in the Medieval area of the museum. She leans on the well to take a moment to calm her nerves, only to be pushed in by an unseen force. When she comes to, she is lying in a pile of hay inside an old shack. Beyond the doors, she finds herself in the real Medieval times. People immediately react to her strange appearance, and the executioner of the king brings her to the castle, accusing her of being a witch. The prince, being a teenager, is more mesmerized by her appearance than the accusations of her being a witch. His elderly maid tells him she is from a land far to the north that was burnt down in a raid. Although lying for the sake of the woman, the King immediately believes her due to his trust in his maid. He gives the woman a room and clothing. The maid warns the woman to be quiet and stay as far away from the executioner as she cans. She knows the woman is not from this time period, as she is woman who deals in magic, but she foresees many problems to come. The executioner is the biggest of them, as she soon learns that he was who brought her here, needing her assistance in killing the King... The king has taken quite a liking to the woman, making it easy for her to get close to him on the executioners behalf... He is only giving her two options; she must kill...or be killed. [/hider] ✎ Time Lock [hider=plot]One fateful night, she lost her life...but was reborn by a radical group of feminists to assist in their goal of changing the past. Due to her only being half alive after her [i]resurrection[/i], she is able to travel back in time to kill those who murdered and raped women and children. By stopping only that which won't alter the time she is from, they are successfully changing the world to become a better place. When asked to go back in time to stop a serial rapist, she learns a few things. The first being that he is not a rapist. In fact, he is considered a hero of the time. How is he a hero? He fights demonic creatures that she is quick to face on her arrival. Where the theory of him being a rapist came from, she doesn't know, but his behavior could very well be the cause of it. While he accepts money in exchange for his service, if a village is unable to pay, he is allowed his pick of the women. Just as she activates her portal to leave, there is a malfunction. Something bad has happened to the feminist group and the machine that controls the portal has been damaged... When her target realizes she's stuck, he offers her to join him, as he can tell her power would be of great use in battle...and he doesn't quite mind staring at her body either. She accepts, but only to keep an eye on his behavior...[/hider] ✎ Enclosure [hider=plot]The universe is a mass of colonized planets. Earth is no longer the only livable and sustainable planet in the galaxy. Times have changed and people are thriving throughout, but one planet has been cast straight into Hell. Venus has become infected with a virus that has killed 95% of its population. Those who died have mutated into monsters and are hunting down the living as food. A man and his group managed to survive and hide away, but slowly they have died off one by one from wounds and suicide. Now alone, he struggles to survive. One day, he hears a loud crash from above his safety bunker and goes up to investigate. What he finds is a crashed ship. The blood around he cockpit tells him that the monsters already got the pilot. He hurries back to his bunker, but becomes surrounded. Suddenly, he is saved by a woman--the pilot of the craft that crashed. She is clearly a trained fighter, with an illegal cybernetic arm that is considered a weapon and banned across the galaxy. Now stuck along with him, she assists in finding other survivors to help them escape the planet. What she has to say though will come as a shock to the survivors. [/hider] ✎ Outraged [hider=plot]In the future, alien races and humans coexist and work together. Dating, romance, that is all unheard of. Most aliens and humans are unable to communicate. Only the higher intelligent aliens have been taught how to communicate for work purpose. One alien (your character) is married with a family. He is a high member of society, wealthy, and generally a good man who is considered incredibly intellectual. He, among other aliens and humans, work together to keep the service stations that keep the orbit of planets in line active and working smoothly. One day, he gets informed that he and a crew is going to a small planet where a service station is down. A crew had been sent a week earlier, but have stopped responding. If the server doesn't come on line, it will cause the neighboring planets to begin pulling each other in until they collide. He and his team hurry toward the planet, but are shot down and crash land. Over half the crew is killed on impact, and the rest are severely injured. He is awake long enough to see the devastation before he took falls unconscious. When he awakes, he and the survivors are in what looks to be an infirmary. Soon, they meet a young woman who mended their wounds. She tells them that she is part of the other crew that stopped responding. She explains that the planet and the server station has been under attack by a deadly and killer race. They are in a bunker in the server station where it's still safe. Together, they work to try and get the servers back online while avoiding the creatures trying to spill their blood. In time, the alien realizes that the woman is not who she says she is, but the two are growing close as more and more survivors begin to disappear, leaving the two to survive by relying on each other. [/hider] ✎ Among the Waves [hider=plot]He once ruled the seas, but then was locked away for twenty years... Instead of being hung, he was being left to rot... He watched many other pirates and wenches come and go, but life never changed for him... At times, he welcomed death, but more often than that, he welcomed the death of everyone else over his own. One day, among many pirates caught in a raid, a gorgeous young woman is put in the cell beside his. By her attire, it's clear that she is not a wench, but possibly a pirate. She is talking to herself, and he can tell that she's caught the eye of the young new guard on duty. When alone, she asks the pirate if he'd be willing to steal a boat and escape with her if she can get them out of the cells. He has no problem with it, but mocks the idea of her being able to get them out...until he hears the loud thud of her knocking the guard unconscious with her door and his door coming open with the use of a secret key. The two manage their escape and head to sea, and he quickly can tell the woman is special. The two gather a crew and set out for whatever he plans. She simply tells him that she will stick around until they find her ship that she lost during the raid. [/hider] ✎ Peace, Love, and Bloodshed [hider=plot]She is a legend, a deity, and drop dead gorgeous. Her power and her looks are what make her a powerful source to be reckoned with. She has a belief that life is about peace and love, and if anyone stands in the way, blood will be shed. Although rarely seen, she comes when called by those who need her assistance in bringing peace to the land. One king, who has fought a war with another king across the sea, has asked for a treaty and been denied. To help him force peace, he has called upon the deity who sends her own letter to the king, warning him that if he does not agree to the treaty, she will come for him. When he continues to deny the treaty, she begins her long journey to cross the sea... Scared, the king hires sorcerers to raise a powerful demon to fight the deity when she arrives. He tells the king that in exchange for his service, he will want 101 souls... A hundred of them must come from the people of his kingdom...but the final soul will be that of the deity... [/hider] ✎ [s]Freedom from a King[/s] (Taken by: Lunicus ) [hider=plot]When a young prince walks the courtyard one night, he stumbles upon what appears to a be a beggar on the grounds. As he approaches, angered that someone of such a low level in society would be on the royal yard, he realizes the beggar is actually a beautiful young woman (older than he is). She is clearly blind, and speaks softly and kindly. Having never seen such a beautiful woman, as he is always behind the castle walls, he is left in awe after her departure into the shadows... The next day, with her still on his mind, his father, a man who he puts all his faith in and wants nothing more to earn the love and respect of, summons him. He tells him that he wants to send him on a short journey to take care of a rebel group hiding in the woods outside the kingdom. He wants the leader dead. The prince has known of this group for some time. They are called 'The Hunters', and have not only caused trades to stop between other kingdoms and lands, but they killed his mentor in the way of the sword. In the woods, he and his men are ambushed, but left unharmed. Surrounded by strong men, he knows it's a losing battle. It's then that two people approach, and he is shocked at who they are. One is the mentor he was told to have been killed at the hands of the rebels...and the other, the leader of the group, is the woman from the night before. She tells him that there is much more happening than he understands and that the king is not the kind man he believes him to be. She asks for two weeks to prove to the young boy that she speaks the truth. If she succeeds, she asks that he assists in the overthrowing of the king, but if she fails to prove what she says, she will allow him to lead her to the king for her sentencing without a fight. Confused and unwilling to go back home as a disgrace, he accepts.[/hider] [b]Lesbian Based Plots[/b] ✎ Dusty Revenge [hider=plot]As a young child, she watched her family be killed in front of her as she hid inside a closet. She barely made it out of the fire alive, which left her with a scar to forever remind her of that night. All her life, she struggled to survive, and by a young adult, she is working as saloon girl to keep a roof over her head. One night, a fight breaks out and the tender is shot. While she tries to comfort him, a fire is set, trapping her in, and making her freeze as memories of the past flood back. While lost in thought, she doesn't see the figure in the flames who yanks her to her feet. When she finally comes to, the two are running straight for a window and soon flying out. The landing is hard, but she takes less of a hit and then is rolled. Above her is a woman with a bright white eye. Immediately, the saloon girl knows that the woman is a legendary hero known as Blind Eyed Gunner. She travels the west in search of outlaws. When the new day comes and the men who attacked the saloon are either carted off to jail or to the cemetery, she seeks out Gunner with a photo in her hand. She requests that Gunner take on a job for her--to find and kill the man who killed her family. Although Gunner isn't completely interested in it, given she has someone else on her route to kill, she decides to take on the task. To her surprise, Gunner tells the young woman to gather her belongings, as she will be coming with. Since Gunner doesn't have a picture of the man, she must have the woman describe him to a friend of hers... The two set off together to find a killer that has escaped justice for far too long.[/hider] ✎ Beyond the Blade *(I play the fighter) [hider=plot]She was the spoiled empress of Rome. Her father doted on like the princess she was. Unfortunately, as she got older, this spoiled attitude made it rather hard for her father to find her a proper suitor, as she put her nose up to all who applied. Nothing was to her liking and she liked it that way. One day, after watching a impressive gladiator battle at the Colosseum with her father, she meets the winner of the battle, who is very silent by nature. The princess finds herself rather attracted to the man, but is silent about it. However, as the night goes on, she continues to find herself more and more drawn to him, to the point she attempts to kiss him when alone in the garden. The fighter avoids her kiss and when she begins to become angry, asking why she, the empress, isn't good enough for him, something strange happens. The fighter speaks...and the voice she hears is not that of a man. "...You do not understand..." is all the fighter says before fleeing. Realizing that the fighter is in fact a woman, she hunts her down the next day at her place of residence at a soldier's house and the two come face to face for the first time without the disguise.[/hider] ✎ My Teacher is a Witch *(I play teacher) [hider=plot]When a young college student (or high school student as long as she's of legal age for this RP) attends a new school for the first time, she only makes two close friends. The rest of the school seems to target her and bully her. Some of the popular girls even beat her up when they get the chance... She barely makes it through her first quarter, but is determined to not let it get to her...but slowly it's destroying her... When the new quarter starts, she has a new teacher who seems to be the eye candy of the school. Immediately, she finds relief in this teacher when she puts a stop to the bullying in her class the first day, threatening to have the girls removed from her class, if not fully expelled, if they don't behave in front of her. While this saves her in the class, it does not protect her outside of it and she is again attacked. After the attackers leave, she sits quietly outside the school, wondering what to do. It's then that her teacher arrives and sits next to her. "It's never fair, is it?" She says, patting the young girl on the knee. As she does this, she feels a rush of blood through her system and every last wound caused by the bullies vanishes. "We can make it fair..." The young girl soon learns that her teacher is part of a cult run inside the school by specific faculty and older students. It is a very sexual and dark cult, but the power they are granted as members is all one needs to never be hurt by anyone ever again.[/hider] (More to come...) ✎ [hider=Series Roleplays] In this case, I will just mark down the series. You may ask for the plot via PM. These are Canon X OC. I want you to play the canon. ::: Avatar ~ The Last Airbender Main pairing: Zuko X OC Other important characters: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Iroh Minor Roles: Mai, Toph ::: Justice League Main Pairing: (Your Choice) X OC Other important characters: Too many to name. It's the league after all. ::: Resident Evil Main Pairing: Chris X Wesker X OC (You can either play both, or I can play Chris as well.) ::: Arkham City Main Pairing: Joker X OC X Batman (you can swap him for a different hero if you prefer) X Harley Quinn (I got the OC and Harley) Other Important characters: Plenty of them ::: Samurai Champloo Main Pairing: Jin X Mugen X Fuu X OC (I got Fuu) ::: Zoids ~ Guardian Force Main Pairings: Karl L. Schubaltz X OC Other important Characters: Van, Fiona, Moonbay, Irvine, Thomas, (and zoids as needed). ::: Pokemon ~ OC X OC :: Digimon ~ OC X OC ::: Yu Yu Hakusho Main Pairings: Yusuke X Kuwabara X Kurama X Hiei X OC (I can take on two of the boys). Other important characters: A lot... It had a fun cast of people. ::: Sin CIty Main Pairing: (Either a character from the show or an OC) X OC :: X-Men Main Pairing: Kurt X Logan X OC Other important characters: Plenty, We get to pick and choose though. ::: Hellboy Main Pairing: Hellboy X OC :: Riddick Main Pairing: Riddick X OC :: Mortal Kombat Main Pairing: (Pick your fighter) X OC Other important characters: The obvious bunch of killers. :: Pirates of the Caribbean Main Pairing: Jack X OC :: Harry Potter Main Pairing: Draco X OC Other important Characters: Plenty. :: Jurassic Park Main Pairing: OC X OC [/hider] If interested in any of these ideas, [u]PM me[/u] and we'll go from there. If you post here, I probably won't see it. And if it tells me to PM you...well, I won't, as I asked first. Thanks for reading!