Okita stumbled as he was shoved out of the tavern. It had been a week since he had a real drink, and no taverns would let him in. His pension from past service in the army had run out, and his tavern tabs had skyrocketed. There no longer was a single tavern to poor him a drink, and with no money for alcohol he could not keep his painful memories from returning. Okita looked around shivering. It was raining yet again in Kantle, as autumn gave way to the new winter months. He began to beg as people passed, most simply scoffed and ignored him, the soldiers though would push him down into the mud as they passed. As his desperation gave way to despair the night sky was eclipsing the day's and Okita found a fairly dry alley in which to sleep. Okita awoke to yet another miserable day. Cold, wet, hungry, and worst, sober. With a deep depression within, no outward hope, and half starved, Okita knew what he would have to do. He made his way across town stumbling in the thick mud. He came to a large building and pounded on the rear door. It opened to a large woman with gaudy makeup, and red lips. She wore a look of shock, which quickly turned into a smirk. Leaning down she whispered into Okita's ear. "Ready to work hun?" He answered the woman with a resigned nod. After all, what else was there to do? The large woman yanked him through the door and closed it. "GIRLS!" she yelled out. "Girls! Get him ready! I want him making money in an hour!" Okita was dunked into a lukewarm tub of water which had rose petals floating within. The mud was scrubbed off of him and his hair washed. The warm water felt so good as it wrapped around him, thawing his frozen body. Another girl entered shortly with a razor blade and began shaving his scraggly beard. To soon they were pulling him from the water and drying him off. They put cheap linen clothes on him and set him down to a meal of stale bread and water. Okita began to scarf his food down, it's taste exquisite to his starved body. As he finished the girls pulled him along and pushed him into a room, closing the door. It was his first chance to take a deep breath and look around. The room had rose colored walls, with wood floors. There were a few candles burning in scones on the walls and a red love seat in the corner. The most prominent piece was the large bed with fluffy pillows and rose colored sheets. A mirror hung near the door, and as Okita stared into it he could not recognized who stared back. Though his clothes were clean, his face shaven, there was a look of despair in his eyes. The door opened and the large woman from before stepped in. "Madam" Okita managed to say softly. "Let me look at ya" she spoke and her hand was already in motion grabbing his chin and pushing his head to one side then the other. "Well your certainly a pretty man you are. If ya wernt damaged goods I could have made a killing from you. O well" she sighed "Pretty nough to make me a small fortune even without the arm. You'r client will be in any second. Do a good job won't ya." With a stare that clearly meant he had better do just that, she left. Shortly after a woman who appeared in her mid forty's entered the room. She was modestly attractive and well kept, with brown eyes. Her hair matched as the brown strands were pulled together in a bun. She smiled at Okita and walked over to him. "Don't worry you poor boy. Mommies here to take care of you." She said as she undressed him and looked over his body with lust in her eyes.