Name: Preston Charmer Gender: Male Age: 32 Species: Naga [Hider=Appearance:] Top half [Img][/img] Wheelchair [Img][/img] Tail coloration [Img][/img][/hider] Bio: Preston's family has been well known for some time within the demi-human world as a go between from them to the human world, they had begun centuries before by providing medicines and materials found rarely by humans. This specialized merchandise made for an easy way to make connections within the higher authorities, a supply of metal to one manufacturer, a "miracle" cure for some officials sick daughter, and slowly, over generations, connections and favors needed to make more overt moves into mercantile businesses were easy and plentiful to come by. Preston's father had been on the precipice of setting up a deal that would make it appear as if they had been bought up by a larger corporation, while in reality it had been a scapegoat company that would controlled in all but name by his father, therefore taking all attention off of their family while allowing the business to grow into a more publicly viewable enterprise. On the night before the deal was to go through, Preston's father had decided take a little "traditional" decadence as a form of celebration. Through heavy use of favors,and more than a sizable "anonymous" donation to the current governor, a convicted murderer found himself suddenly transferred from death row to a swamp seemingly in the middle of no where. He was then that he was informed that he had been given a chance for a hunt, a laugh being the only response got when he asked how he was supposed to hunt without a weapon. Unfortunately for Preston's father, it seemed that his "hunting" request had been noticed, his body was found by Preston the next day after being absent from the meeting that was to finalize the merger. His body showed the ritualized method of death carried out by hunters, his head cut off and scales flayed from his tail. The death of his father had a radical effect on Preston afterwards who had previously been a known recluse, much as his father had been considered, assumedly due to Preston's reportedly frail health after a case of polio had left him chair bound as an early age. He took over his father's company liquidated all assets soon/ afterwards, starting a new company under the ostentatious name of Oroboros, a security company that quickly became known for it's unusual options in bodyguards. It employed the usual group of thugs, mercenaries, ex-militaryusually found inn such places. However it's higher paying clients always seemed to be grabbing up the unknowns, guards that offered not only no history off violence, but often no history at all. These "nobodies" were those of the demi-human community trying to integrate with the larger world, and employs everything from heavy set minotaurs to hedge mages and everything in between. All the whole Preston has been taking payment in information almost as much as monetary means, trying to track down the hunters who had taken down his father, training with his employees to ensure that should he ever locate them, he'll be ready to deal with them. He has since then taken out many dens of such hunters,but found none with trophies of his father or information of the man his father had "procured" for his hunt. Powers/Abilities: Camouflage: uses earth magic to gather debris and such to blend with the surroundings Poison: can coat himself or a weapon he is using in a neurotoxin of varying degrees of toxicity, with effects varying from nausea, paralysis, and with many doses , can lead to death if not treated. With a bit of preparation, he can alter the poison to have other affects in a more mental manner, acting as an amnesiac, truth serum, aphrodisiac, and inhibitor. Combat and gun training: having spent years heading up a security company, Preston has more than picked up a few things along the way, and certainly knows his way around a gun, testing all products before supplying his employees, believing he should know any weapon he lets someone else hold. Money: money is power its said, and as such, due to the outrageous prices he can charge for his more special variety of soldier. Weaknesses: Control: Preston has a habit of being sure that he has some degree of control over whatever situation he is in, which has led to arrogance and overconfidence, which to those aware make it possible to play on those and can lead him to what they want so long as they can make him think it was his idea. Ice can severely hamper and hurt him, with even cold weather slowing him down both physically and mentally. Other: has a love for drink preferring a good whiskey, but more than happy to throw back a few cold ones at any dive.