[b][u]Nicholas Raynor[/b][/u] A short time after his little lesson with Adam, the young Nicholas was doing nothing more than wandering the west side of the campus, notably staying away from the dormitories and drifting out towards the island's wild areas. Not because he wanted to go out into the jungles or whatever else lied out there, but rather, to simply avoid a certain -someone- who would likely be trying to track him down eventually. Ugh. That girl. He had to wonder if she seriously liked him, or if she was just trying to consistently get under his skin. He had his own ideals and ethics to worry about, though, without having to deal with a girl trying to saddle him when he wasn't looking. Ugh. He seemed all but occupied, his brown bangs helping to block out the sun as he played on his gaming device...before he heard something. Something that sent his blood into a deep chill, his eyes widening as he stared upwards towards the jungle trees in the distance. A guttural roar, something he hadn't quite heard before...nor did he want to hear it again. But he did. Alongside what sounded like screams, and another roar. Slowly, he slipped his hand held device back into his backpack, before zipping up the backpack. Something about this entire situation screamed “keep the hell away” to his mind. He was nervous...scared, frightened, even. But...those screams could belong to fellow students. And what kind of person would he be if he didn't help? He didn't know, but frankly, he was still fighting himself over it, until he finally decided to do something. His right hand quickly caught aflame, specifically his index finger, before he touched it to his forehead. The flame took hold of his forehead, glowing on top of it and distributing its unique quality to make him feel...braver, he supposed. He allowed this to take hold, before quickly moving to sprint off towards the jungle, his blue sneakers pounding against the ground as he gritted his teeth. Was he going to be too late? And if he was...could he forgive himself? A better question was if he could forgive himself for not going at all. It was a pathetic excuse, and one he had to face up to. Ugh. Goddamnit, he had to hope he could do at least something once he arrived, if something terrible -had- happened. Or else, he would just scare himself into going back. At least, thats what he told himself as he ran towards the source of the roaring and the screaming. As he neared the location, the sounds seemed to cease, and he had to wonder if whatever beasts had been out there had killed whomever was there...no. No, stop it, Nicholas. Now was -not- the time to be pessimistic. You either stick strong through the situation, or the situation molds you however it likes. And this day was not going to be one where he let the latter happen.