I do have one question. Is the "genetic prison" Persephone, or a third-party type noncanon facility? Whipped up something though. Gonna touch it up later. It's bed time. Let me know if there's anything that contradicts the plot Name: Charlotte Alice Foster Age: 12 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance][img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/359/e/7/commission___bioshock_by_nocturnalmoth-d35negx.jpg][/hider] As a result of the Sea Slug, Charlotte's eyes still possess the glow Bio: Charlotte was born into a wealthy family, part of Rapture’s prestige society. She was given everything a little girl could ever want and lived a rich childhood. However, behind the glitz and glam of her upper-class lifestyle was a foundation of shady deals and questionable morals. Her mother ran a respectable and highly successful clothing line and though that help contribute to their wealth and credibility, it was her father who racked up the big bucks. Her father worked underground, running a successful smuggling ring under the radar. He often worked alongside Frank Fontaine, having once worked under him, and was able to work his operations without Andrew Ryan’s knowledge. When Fontaine needed a job done without sparing his own men, Foster was called upon. His main source of income, however, came from supplying the newly established Little Sister’s Orphanage with young girls. Charlotte’s father, as successful as he was, did not come home from his job without enemies. The wealth and greed nearly consumed him, if not for his family. Despite all he’s done, Charlotte’s father was very much a family man. He cherished his wife and adored his daughter. He protected them from any rising threats as best he could. After a while, and some uncertain events, Fontaine began to see him as a liability. There was talk that he would abandon his operations in order to focus on his family. He was given two options: Continue his operations or sign his family over for “genetic studies”. Unaware of the circumstances of the “studies”, Foster reluctantly agreed to take part. As he and his wife were taken to a facility, Charlotte was torn away from her parents and dropped off at the Little Sister’s Orphanage. After she was fully conditioned, Charlotte’s memories of her family were but a hazy dream in the back of her head. She was issued an early model of the Alpha Protectors but was later reconditioned to bond with a Bouncer model after her Protector malfunctioned and mistook her as a threat. The section of Rapture in which Charlotte gathered was exceptionally rich in ADAM abusers, causing her to harvest and consume more ADAM compared to other Little Sisters. After months of gathering, Brigid Tenenbaum managed to sneak Charlotte, as well as a few other Little Sisters, away from their Protectors. She had had a change of heart and understood the wrongdoing of her actions. In an effort to right these wrongs, she created a unique plasmid that would undo the conditioning of Little Sisters in an attempt to return their humanity. The plasmid seemed to work on Charlotte, failing on the others, and her memories flooded back to her. Confused and scared beyond belief, Charlotte fought Tenenbaum and escaped back into the city. She found her Protector frantically banging against a ventilation shaft. The plasmid did not affect the slug implanted within her nor did it change the fact that she had bonded with her Protector. She was lost and confused, with no one to trust. But she knew two things: The angels have the ADAM and Daddy will always protect her. Vigors/Plasmids: Telekinesis Weapons: Modified Adam Harvesting Syringe, Revolver Faction: Little Sister Other: Telekinesis is very fairly weak. She did not obtain the ability through a plasmid; rather it was developed over time through copious amounts of ADAM consumption