[u][b]MEDICAL LOG 003 - NICKI F SHARPE CURRENTLY:[/b][/u] [i]HOLD ON WE'RE LEAVING WHAT[/i] Nicki looked around as Caelum [i]choke on your own spit one evening and save UNES the bother of killing you[/i] Jameson loudly and excitedly announced that they were leaving. [i]Where are the other Psyches. Are you seriously not going to wait on the other- no, looks like you're not, looks like I'm going to be the only one...[/i] thought Nicki as Caelum [i]die[/i] clambered over the chair like a 5 year old and weaved in and out of the benches. It took everything in her to avoid swinging one into her shins. Risty and Tide were getting breakfast, but Nicki didn't like to take off on a full stomach; in fact, she knew that three of the numerous crates full of "Medical Supplies" were actually food rationed stuffed in medicine bottles, hence why she looked like she was well-stocked for the trip...to be fair, the budget only stretched so thin, and she just hoped the crew were properly vaccinated like she was. The real amount of med supplies was absolutely pitiful, but with a surplus of rubbing alcohol and bleach to sterilize things and use them again. She just used some old empty bottles which she bought on the cheap to stuff food into because she didn't know or trust any of these people yet and wouldn't be caught dead eating their food. Who knows what they might add to it? Nicki stood up, sloping off from the rest of the crew without so much of a nod. She followed Risty outdoors, calling out just loud enough for her to hear - "Hey, you know she hasn't bothered waiting on the other Psyches, right? The UNES are trying to mass-produce those suckers and I'll eat her stupid tye-dye T-shirt if we don't bump into a couple on this trip." It was obvious who Nicki was talking about, because she was busy glaring at Caelum. It was worth sounding even a little bit disappointed so she didn't seem arrogant, but... ...Nicki knew that meant all of the Psyche on this trip belonged to her, and that gave her a grim determination to stick it out until the very end. It also gave her a very possessive streak over that drug; briefly, she considered just how much pain she could put people through if they tried to steal one of those needles right under her nose, and for once, a genuine little smile flickered across her features. It was lost, however, due to the fact nobody was really looking at her. It was also lost when Nicki got a proper look at the ship. She stared at the hulk of metal in mute disappointment and a bit of horror; that thing was far too old to fly properly. In her mind's eye, she imagined a meteor slamming into the hull, ripping a hole in the structure and dragging everyone - even Risty - out into space. Well, if they started crashing, Nicki knew what to do - shoot up another Psyche shot and pray she can grab a suit in time. "Looks like it's fully operational!" called out Nicki, clapping her hands together and rubbing them in the cold morning air. She didn't even have to add any sarcasm on that sentence because it was a flat-out lie in and of itself anyway, as she shot a grin at Risty. "Can't wait to see inside, can you?"