Her dreams that night were turbulent, and they were mixed with strange visons. Some were just jumbles of images, like herself running, or a stranger injured. She usually didn’t even draw those because there wasn’t enough detail. One vision, however, was quite detailed that night. She was a patron at a tavern, getting a drink and some food. In the vision, Luka was with her, complaining that he wasn’t going to stay. He soon left, having better things to do, but Rhys didn’t complain. She took a seat in a corner. The dream grew hazy, and there was music being played, some strange melody, along with some gypsies dancing in the room. Most of the patrons in the bar were wet, and the floor was a bit slippery, causing one of the dancers to fall. That wasn’t the source of distress, though. The source of distress was the sound of a [i]crack[/i] followed by the building shuttering. It was lightening, and the dampness of the tavern couldn’t stop the spread of flames, which engulfed the door. People were burning to death, and Rhys woke screaming. It took her a few moments to calm herself, longer because she was in a strange place now, and alone. Wrapping her arms around her legs, Rhys forced herself to take deep breaths. She had to stay calm, and draw the tavern so she wouldn’t forget it. She scooted out from under the tree, and looked up at the sky, seeing that I was overcast. [i]Calm down, Rhys. You cannot prove that this is ever going to happen, let alone soon.[/i] She reminded herself. Rhys was actually relieved when she saw that Luka was gone. She didn’t see Endi immediately, because the creature had to move back a bit when Rhys screamed. [i]See, Rhys… The man has already left. He is not going to follow you into a town.[/i] She reminded herself as she opened her bag. It was then that her gaze fell on Endi, and she realized that the man might be coming back. “It was just a nightmare.” She told Endi quietly, her throat now hurting more than a little from screaming and her general state of being parched. Rhys quickly worked on the sketch of the inside of the tavern, trying to push her mind to the point before the lightning. She jotted a couple of notes on the paper: lightning, wet clothes and floor, and then began to draw some of the gypsies, trying to remember the decorations on their clothing and that of the tavern itself, so she could distinguish it at a later date. She was incredibly protective of the drawing, and even as Endi neared, she pulled the drawing away a little, not wanting the creature to see the things that she drew. No matter how much she tried to focus on the tavern, the images of the people burning was stuck in her mind, and so she finally flipped the page and began to sketch the part that haunted her, hoping that putting it on paper would help take it out of her head.