[quote=Nemaisare]Nykerius – 17 ( or ~20?)[/quote] Officially 17 years but he has been familiar with the royal family for longer than that. Others at court would not necessarily have known him, however, as he tutored one of the king's cousins (or was it nephews? I'll have to reread my own sheet) at the college, not at court. [quote=Lexicon]@ Hank: I know we got down a basic idea for how Riven and Nykerius would react around each other. I'd be down for hammering out more details if you'd like.[/quote] Naturally. Reading your sheet, I noticed an amusing similarlity between Riven's lost father and Nykerius himself: both have startlingly green eyes. It seems to me that king Erasmus and Riven are fast friends, but since he is also technically her client, he may not have been the best father figure. Perhaps Nykerius and Riven could have a mentor-and-pupil kind of relationship, where Nykerius acts as a beacon of stability to Riven's hot temper and stubbornness? Almost, but note quite, like a surrogate father figure? The same goes for all of you fellow acceptees (if that isn't a word, it is one now), by the way. Let's make friends! I'm especially interested in working out the relation between Roderick and Nykerius, as the two are polar opposite where magical prowess is concerned. Yet, interestingly, both of their most notable achievements in combat involved creating a storm and using its confusion to defeat their enemies. Nykerius did so in a calm, calculated manner, a singular example of skill and tactics, whereas Roderick was primal, enraged, utterly in tune with nature.