[b]Name:[/b]Malich [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Faction/Allegiance:[/b] The flow of life/Order of Shadow [b]Relic Description:[/b] The brooch that pins his cloak together, ornamental and engraved. He can withstand being separated it depending on the distance. For example he can sleep with the brooch sitting beside him however if it leaves a radius of ten metres he begins to deteriorate. His powers can also still be summoned when the relic is very close however the powers decrease at being five metres away and stop completely at ten metres. The orders theory behind the relic that there is a plain of existence opposite ours known simply as the "Dark Space" however other names are known for it. This is where the Order of Shadow believes those who die return to in the circle of life, for every constant in our space/time the polar opposite exists in the dark space, shadow is light and light is shadow, death is the beginning and birth is the end. When one dies in Azukhar their energy brings a into being something in the dark space, and vice versa. However for anyone who is able to enter the "Dark Space" everything is distorted due to the contradiction of something from our space time existing there and it seems naught but a phantom world. This is where his relic draws its power from. Shadows, being the Dark Space leaking through to our own universe can be used to draw power from the dark space, with that the shadows can grow and be altered by him. As these shadows come from the dark space they are able to take on solid mass turning into weapons and protective markers. These shadows are harder to construct than those that have no mass and are merely for illusion. It is also rumoured that those who possess the relic have the ability to enter the dark space however the toll of entering such a place is extreme and dramatic ageing can occur or one can end up getting younger. Alternatively the user can get trapped or when trying to leave end up far further than they intended to go making it a poor means of teleportation without extreme skill or luck. [b]Appearance:[/b][hider=image][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/241/f/9/to_dance_with_jack_of_the_shadows_by_kaylawoodside-d5cx692.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Flaws: [/b]Relatively new at solidifying shadow. Due to the tie to the relic he cannot alter his own personal shadow or the shadow of anything he is holding. Is still young so inexperienced at most things in life. Like many others of the shadow under close scrutiny from the Church of Idris. Powers rely primarily on instinct. [b]Skills:[/b] Trained since a young age in combat/historical information. Has the backup/financial support of the 200+ members of the order. Some creatures tightly linked to the flow of life/Dark Space can be controlled by him (Most specifically Ravens) [b]Biography: [/b] Malich, recently dubbed leader within the Order of Shadows was born into the orders estate within Amaryth. A large building with an extensive underground complex with various escape routes he was born into a life of secrecy. Like many who are born into the order and do not join he did not see the outside world until his tenth birthday, until then he remained in the tunnels being taught the ways of his people and the need for secrecy that their order held so dear. After several instances where other chapters of the order in neighbouring kingdoms had been destroyed by the Order of Idris. Only the fact that the only the respective chapters leaders knew where the others resided kept the Othean chapter a secret, and it is now the only one known to be in existence after communication has long ceased with the one in Kalesia. On his twelth year like the other twelves and those before them he was taken into a large room, the room of the head of their order. The Orders creator and each twelve was given a Cloak to wear before taking a step to a pedestal and trying a broach. The task was to find the next Harbringer, he whose task it was to remove the impure in order to continue the cycle in the hopes that the Old Kingdom would be restored once again and they could learn from those who had came before them. When he donned the broach he disappeared from the room in a flurry of shadows. What happened he still doesn't know, however it was two weeks before he returned. TO an entirely different life. He was seen as the defacto leader of the order, and underwent special counselling all the while he underwent more training, reading from ancient scrolls in how to use his power. Always in secret however. Despite this he has been a more public figure than those few who held the title before him. Seeing it as his duty to try and bring other ones to the cause he has travelled extensively trying to restart chapters in far off places and increase their number, though due to the presence of the Order of Idris the task has not been easy or overly succesful. Seven years since the broach chose him he has tried to adjust the order to modern times, feeling that the secrecy is what is their undoing. People unwilling to trust are often untrusted in communities and they have tried to make a positive influence in a way of showing that they are the better choice. [b]Personality/motivation:[/b] The continued cycle of life in the belief that the old Kingdom will rise again and cleanse the world of all that is impure and evil. More openly it is known as simply continuing the cycle of life and cleansing the world of all that is impure and evil. The old Kingdom bit they keep to themselves. [b]Relations:[/b] Order of Shadows [b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] The Order plans to bring back the Old Kingdom by creating an influx off life force moving into the Dark Space forcing those from the Old Kingdom to reemerge, this is said to require a great deal of life force to bring them back as they once were and that is one of the reasons many chapters have been destroyed as plots have been found out and those responsible killed. The last action done by the Order was the introduction of a plague, unfortunately for the order Othea managed to close many of its borders preventing plague carriers to enter. [b]Theme Song: [/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nrJfGrO0U0]Url[/url] I probably have some edits to make on the actual history, you know how I hate them Ellri. Though if you want I can throw up a lore sheet on both the order and Dark space if you wish.