Faust did what any normal person in the paranoid streets of new york would do. He completely ignored the fact that there was now two people next to him. Technically that is what he would of done regardless, but now he had even more reason to ignore them. The man and woman next to him talked about something that he really couldn't of been bothered paying attention too. So he listened to his target and the woman across the street. he noticed his targets foot steps were uneven, out of rhythm and then he was asking the one known as Mari to hold on as apparently she forgot something. If he had to guess he would say that Julius had a wounded leg. The girl leaned in and whispered something about lifting him up, and sure enough soon his foot steps were gone, as if he was no longer touching the ground. But he could still hear hers as she said she was going to told him to instruct her and focus on his legs. Soon his phone rang as he pulled it out his pocket "Hello," he answered it waiting a few moments as the person on the other side talked "Really? Ok I'll head over" he said standing up and walking away "you owe me a beer for this one man" he laughed and pushed that phone back into his pocket. He walked down the street and over shot the ally that Julius and Mari walked down. Since he had their voices as well as her foot steps he would be able to follow as long as they didn't get too far. So he was in the next ally over and he started to sing again, this time choosing from styx's collection "Oh, Mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law Law man has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home Oh, Mama I can hear you a-cryin', you're so scared and all alone Hangman is comin' down from the gallows and I don't have very long"