@ All, Humorously it seems that at the moment the member of the party most fond of Lin'Lise is the dog. lol I guess she didn't make the best impressions on some of them. @Acrolith. I think you are quite likely right. They don't seem likely to get along very well. Though in some ways Taula does have elements that would elevate her in the scales. She is also of an inhuman race, has greater size, strength, ect than humans (At least that was my impression correct me if I am wrong.) and this is worth noting. However she would remind Lin'Lise of a lot of her father's less pleasant traits and would seem primitive and barbaric. Still as Lin'Lise has kept up her persona and shown her 'kindness' to all Taula would have been included in that. @Hank, I had written into my bio that the teenage Lin'Lise had in her early years at the castle done a lot of secluded self study of magic and such. I had also written that she had some form of interaction in which in typical enthusiastic and interested teenager fashion she had tried to get the court wizard to teach her more of magic. How would you like to take that? Also what would he have thought and how would he have acted towards her in the early years since that would have in part determined how further interactions would have gone? @Lexicon, Out of curiosity does the Protector role just apply to the king himself or does it apply to the whole royal family?