[quote=Raptorman]@Hank, I had written into my bio that the teenage Lin'Lise had in her early years at the castle done a lot of secluded self study of magic and such. I had also written that she had some form of interaction in which in typical enthusiastic and interested teenager fashion she had tried to get the court wizard to teach her more of magic. How would you like to take that? Also what would he have thought and how would he have acted towards her in the early years since that would have in part determined how further interactions would have gone?[/quote] Nykerius would have responded well to that, I think. He encourages an interest in arcane magic in the youth of today regardless of race, gender or creed. I'm sure if she asked politely and treated him with respect, Nykerius would have taken time out of his day to teach her as much as his duties and other interests allow. EDIT: You know, having given it some thought, see Nykerius as a halfway point between Gandalf and Dumbledore in terms of personality. :hehe