Miriam waited with bated breath, half-anticipating, half-dreading his reaction. She saw surprise flit through his face, before he smiled warmly. Miriam felt her insides melt with relief. “Thank you for your honesty,” he said gently, smiling.. “I know it is hard to take a gamble and tell such a secret to, well, such a weird stranger like me,” he joked, “but we are kindred in spirit: I too have been blessed by God with powers beyond my imagination; I am, like you, an . . . Empowered. Please, ‘Unnatural’ is such a strong word.” The girl picked herself up while at the same time shaking of the (still suspicious) pigeon on her shoulder. "It was either I ended up back in a facility or you would help me, so it wasn't much of a gamble, more of a choice," she patted herself down. The ground under the dump was incredibly dirty, she looked up at Timothy with a smile, "plus, whatever would happen next is part of the Lord's plan, come what may, I'd have accepted it. Praise be to him, in any case, that I encountered another who serves him." Because of Timothy's clothes, Miriam instinctively went back to the way she talked to the nuns back at the orphanage - which, as you can see, was rather archaic. She'd opted to speak like that after she'd read the bible, and the nuns enjoyed listening to her talk that way. Because the found it cute, Miriam decided to talk like in that manner to them most of the time. "And as for myself, I prefer to refer to myself as Unnatural. I know some of us have taken to calling ourselves 'Empowered', but that implies a drive backed by a strong sense of cause - such a thing isn't always the case for people like us, and being empowered is not exclusive to us only," explained Miriam, smiling slightly. "Anyway, I like 'Unnatural' better. It seems more fitting - individualistic, powerful, and denotes that we are not wholly disconnected from the world."