[quote=Schradinger] That's not actually what the 2x means. If a tier 3 character can only lift 500 lbs, yet has some ability that grants him extreme physical power, he could still punch with up to 10 tons of force, regardless of his ability to lift weights. The two aren't tied together.If I'm being completely honest though, tying impact force to lifting strength isn't the best idea anyway. You can't tell me that Jean can only swing that club hard enough to generate 600 tons of force when she can fairly easily lift half that. The amount of force she'd be generating would be in the kiloton range. Professional baseball players, who aren't known for being able to lift great weights, can allegedly generate over 4 tons of force in a swing. Assuming they can lift 250 pounds with ease, that's over 32x more force than the weight they can lift, or in Jean's case, 9.6 kilotons. [/quote] That is why I posed the question specifically in reference to the absence of that kind of ability, thus the lower tiers in my original question. Also it wasn't impact force I was necessarily referring too, very specifically it was for a punch, not an item such as a bat.