[quote=ElderF] Name: Noctis Voidsong (goes by Darius Blackwood when in human form) Gender: male Age: appears to be 25 y/o Species: Wyvern Appearance: Darius would seem to most people to be a well-built, albeit lean young adult, standing at 5'8" with short-cropped ebony hair that betrayed a slight tint of red under the sunlight. His face is strong and defined, his angular jaw and neatly shaved stubble accentuating his proud patrician looks. Piercing eyes of the brightest azure gaze out intently from arching eyebrows, not dissimilar from the looks of a raptor as it would gaze from its high perch and view the world below it insouciantly. Similar to his well groomed human appearance, Noctis would be considered handsome for one of his kind; his lustrous, stygian black scales which uniformly covers the whole length of his sleek body coruscates with an inner fiery red when caught by light whilst his eyes seem to gleam a bright hue of azure, a particularly uncommon trait among wyverns. His wings, although as dark as midnight if seen from above, shows a faint network of ivory and sanguine if seen from below with a trio of short claws protruding from each wrist joint. No horns, barbs or spikes adorn his back or head, a particular characteristic Noctis takes pride in as he considers them to be distastefully ugly. Instead, a series of small nubs festoon his spine all the way to his elegant, spikeless tail. He can be considered to be a rather decent sized specimen, standing at 2 meters tall and close to 6 meters long with a wingspan of nearly 5 meters. Bio: Darius Blackwood is the sole up and coming heir of Blackwood Industries, an international organization based in Florida with offices in Ohio, California and New York with various subsidiaries around the world. Blackwood Industries was founded in 1998 by his grandfather, Gerald Blackwood and started off as a small time business that dealt in furniture. However, a series of unfortunate incidents took place that almost left the company bankrupt, which Gerald found out very much later on was due to sabotage from rival companies as well as from betrayal most foul; his various business partners were blackmailed and coerced by his own brother, who had joined a venture with his bitter rival, to abandon him when he needed their help the most. Gerald fell into great despair upon discovery of own brother's treachery and swore vengeance by whatever means necessary. What happened next, no one knew for sure but the company not only managed to pull through the crisis, but also managed to buy over and eliminate their competitors and rivals in one fell swoop. A day after that, Gerald's brother was found brutally killed, the corpse so badly mauled with such horrible wounds that it took a dental record and a DNA test to verify the identity of the corpse. The police chalked it up as a wild beast attack due to the claw and bite marks, regardless of having found the corpse inside the victim's house with no signs of break in or any signs of wild animals nearby as there were no other evidence that would point to a murder or anything logical at that point, despite Gerald's strong motive for killing his brother. The case went cold as quickly and was considered closed. But still, rumors abound about whole sordid affair, many whispering in hushed tones behind Gerald's back that he made a deal with the devil. Some even claim that they heard macabre, inhuman cries coming from the Blackwood estate at night whilst others say that they faintly heard flapping noises not unlike those of great winged creatures and felt the rush of wind as they flew by. One woman who profess to be an ex-maid who worked in the Blackwood manor said they she once chanced upon Gerald sitting in one of the lesser used rooms, with several ill-lit candles dotting the floor which had a symbol drawn upon it in a red substance she deduced to be blood, seeing the mangled bodies of several smaller animals piled up in a corner of the room like a bunch of torn-up stuffed toys. She also insists that she heard Gerald chanting in low, monotonous tones which brought a chill down her spine when she heard him and is very much convinced that the master of the house was involved in demon worship or the occult. No one would believe her however, with her known habit of being overly-friendly with the rum bottle and her delusions that came and went with her drunken haze. Yet, the truth of it all was more or less there. It was true that Gerald Blackwood did perform a pact, but it wasn't with a devil. He made a pact with a wyvern, a demonic entity that resembled a dragon. His diary did not state how he came to meet with the wyvern, only of the blood pact that tied both of their families together: every male born into the Blackwood family would be possessed by a wyvern of the Noctis familia upon reaching the age of 12 until death and in return, the Blackwood family would forever be protected by the wyverns of the Noctis familia. As such, the Blackwood family enjoyed a life of great abundance and wealth by sacrificing the freedom of their sons, with Gerald being the first to be possessed, followed by Darius's father and his 2 younger brothers, and once he reached 12, Darius himself. In fact, before he was possessed, Darius had always thought there was something weird about his family, but it was a strangeness that enthralled and excited him. Even when he was young, he always that felt that he was destined for greater things and when the time came for him to be possessed, he accepted the foreign intrusion with open arms. ==== Noctis Voidsong was rather pleased with possessing Darius. They were both proud to the point where it borderlines arrogance, ambitious, vain, fiercely independent, cunning, observant, highly capable and command great leadership skills; all the attributes needed to be a leader, one that Blackwood Industries would need. He had grown up splendidly within Darius even as Darius himself grew to be a magnificent human being. Now at the age of 25, Noctis is very well acquainted with the human world and its workings and is all set to take the world by storm once his father steps down from his position as president of Blackwood Industries. Imagine his horror when his father sent him to a backwater city called Haven Marine to, as his father so succinctly said, 'explore any opportunities that might present themselves as well as to settle any situations that might prove to be a hindrance to the company's well-being'. Except that Noctis actually understood it as what it really was; his father viewed his rising popularity within the company ranks as a danger to his position and unwilling to relinquish his current position so soon, sent him away to a remote branch so as to minimize his influence and power. Powers/Abilities: Darius is more or less similar to Noctis, having great eyesight and dexterity as well as speed and quick reflexes. His magical ability is rather limited, unable to create fire, wind or darkness of his own and can only control an existing flame, breeze or shadow. As with most wyverns, Noctis has excellent eyesight and flight skills, comparable to those of raptors. He also has a slight control over minor wind magics which he uses to great effect when flying. Noctis is also rather resistant to most kinds of toxins, his body being able to store and secrete any toxins consumed. From subcutaneous glands all over his body, Noctis is able to produce a highly flammable, slimy substance that is mildly toxic in nature which can cause hallucinogenic effects when evaporated and breathed in. With the aid of this flammable slime, Noctis is able to produce great explosions of fire by simply using his tail to flick the formed slime at his target before igniting it. If the target is able to resist the fiery explosion, Noctis would then sing, (not with words, mind you, just merely sound) lacing his voice with faint traces of fire, darkness, and wind magic to lull the target into slumber before attacking with fang and claws or escaping. (hallucinogenic vapour + illusion from fire/darkness + wind magic = sleep) Weaknesses: Despite having a seemingly well-built body, (he likes to keep his body in shape and takes great care in and pride in it) Darius's body is rather prone to injury, to the point where he would get paper cuts when handling paperwork. The last time he was involved in an accident, a younger kid on a skateboard had knocked into him when his attention was somewhere else and the blow had broke one rib and bruised several others. As with most creatures of demonic origin, Noctis is vulnerable to ice and holy magic. He is also vulnerable to dehydration and blood loss when he overuses his flammable slime. His body which is built for flight is highly susceptible to damage and would be easily ruined if hit by a strong force. His singing also tends to leave him exposed to danger as it takes some time for his voice and magic to take effect and if the target has a high magic resistance/doesn't breathe/can't hear/a combination of either 3, his life would be endangered. Singing also takes a toll on him, as he cannot draw breath once he starts least he breaks the spell and the target only continues to sleep if he continues to sing, most taking about 20-30 seconds to wake up once he stops singing. Other: -none so far- [/quote] This just-finished app, is.... accepted! [hider=spoilers] Hm... I've got an idea, too... as in, he's not a bad guy, ends up as the leader of our group for a while, finds out about what my character is, and your character will show my character what he is as some sort of way to try to say that he's not alone here, my character has no idea what he's talking about and ends up getting the team to try to beat down the wyvern, thinking that the human is just some hapless citizen (obviously, that's not the case), however, they don't kill either of the two, and eventually, your character will reveal my character's identity... preferably in the middle of a mission, or in the middle of a boss fight. [/hider]