The current Tiering system that I am using is based on the Marvel Character Grading system combined with heavy influence from the previous 2 large scale Arena roleplays. With added elements to allow for balance among characters. While yes, I could rightfully do the math and say that every single character can punch at about 32x their lifting weight, nobody wants to sit down and spend an hour or so doing math just to deliver a singular punch. I made the system that is currently running to allow any character, from any branch of RP, from any branch of writing, to be able to enter without fear of being seen as broken or useless in this system. Every build is completely viable, and it relies entirely on the skill of the writer. Rather than just having a character be labeled as "Powerful" we have characters who have abilities and are remarkable in their own ways. However they do not outshine other characters without first proving that the Player can outwrite their opponent. The Tiers are a guideline to gauge just how strong a character is, rather than to put them into a bracket. Look at the five bosses. They're all labeled as Tier 7. However, they themselves are not completely superior in every regard to a lower tiered character. The most notable example is Solomon, whose physical abilities are on par with that of a Tier 3, however his training and mastery of weapons places him into the tier he is in. The tiers of the characters are the sum total of their combined abilities. The extremes that I placed as bosses are to show that you can focus on one stat and have it be entirely viable, or you can focus on all five stats and have it be viable. I hope this clears it up.