My Character - Tammi The Male Characters (Who can be played) - Soda Pop (PREFERRED TO BE PLAYED) or Two-Bits (PREFERRED TO BE PLAYED) or Steve Hello everyone reading this role play search! I am in the current role play craving for The Outsiders! I want to do a little remix of the movie and/or book. I have both read and watched it, then I checked my schools library to see if they had it and they didn't! I’m slightly annoyed but I’m going to have it ordered here. My plot idea is to have my character, Tammi, be Dallas Winston’s younger sister who is also a member of the Greaser gang. Now there is a little change here, the girls aren't going to be wearing poodle skirts. I want them in the normal jeans, tank tops, tee shirts, shorts, skirts, etc. of today. I am looking for someone to play the male character, which would either be Two-Bits, Soda Pop, or Steve. The rest of the Greasers, Dallas, Darry, Pony Boy, and Johnny will be played as minor characters as needed whenever they are in the scene. The same thing goes for the Socs, whenever they are in the scene, they will be played as minor characters to make things simpler. The events from the book and movie that are going to stay is everything, but I want things to be a little more spread out so Tammi and the male character have time to develop their relationship so things make more sense. This is going to be a one on one romance role play with other themes mixed in such as action, blood, gore, violence, fighting, drugs, alcohol, guns, knives, etc. The other themes are going to be like a roller coaster going in and out of the role play, it depends on where exactly we are at. So my plot for this role play is kind of simple since the characters already know each other. Tammi and the male character (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) have been crushing on each other for a few months now, the only thing stopping them is Dallas. Is he going to approve of his sister being with a gangster if he never really wanted her to join the gang? Not that what her brother wanted stopped her from joining in the first place, but they are close for siblings born so close together, guess they are also close because Dallas raised Tammi after their parents were killed. The role play begins with them all meeting up at the towns annual Fall Festival, the male character (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) sees this as a chance to show Dallas he’ll take care of his sister and treat her right. The entire gang knows they are crushing on each other and they do as well, they are always flirting with each other, the male character (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) is always protecting Tammi if Dallas is busy or isn’t there, and he is always showing off every chance he gets for her. This is also the male characters (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) chance to show off to Tammi by playing games to win he a stuffed animal, take her on a few rides, slip away from the gang so they can go do their own thing, not to mention it is a little chilly and it looks like it could rain so he can also be a gentleman and offer her his black leather jacket to stay warm and dry. So about half way through the fall festival they are together and run into some Socs who want to cause some trouble. The festival is on neutral territory so of course the Socs will be there! The male character male character (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) manages to defend himself and his new girl, only suffering a few scraps and scratches himself. He is just pleased to see his girl is unharmed and rather thankful for it, hoping to score some accepting points from her older brother, Dallas. The plot continues with them all doing their normal thing, hanging with each other, partying, drinking, etc. (IF TWO-BITS IS PLAYED SINCE HE AND HIS OLD MAN GET INTO FIGHTS, HE CAN STAY WITH DALLAS AND TAMMI!) Then things hit the fan and problems start to arise out of nowhere, the large street fight between the Greasers and Socs happens after the Greasers and Socs go back and forth jumping each other, Johnny and Pony Boy get jumped at the park and Johnny kills a Soc after which the two go into hiding outside of town, Johnny is injured in the church fire after rescuing little kids, Johnny dies in the hospital which sends Dallas into a deep depression. The members being jumped are still happening as Dallas fights his depression at the loss of Johnny, staying with his old Rodeo buddies more than staying with his sister. (IF TWO-BITS IS NOT PLAYED AT THIS POINT TAMMI DOESN’T FEEL SAFE ALONE AT HOME AND STAYS WITH HER BOYFRIEND OR HE STAYS WITH HER!) So after a few months of battling depression Dallas makes the mistake that ends his life and robs a service station with an unloaded gun, he calls the gang to apalogize and to tell the male character (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) to take care of his sister. The gang tries to save him and rushes to where he was only to see him be shot, they manages to make it to him only in time to allow Tammi and Dallas to exchange some ‘I love you’s and he is gone. Losing two members of the gang sends everyone into a deep depression they try to fix by going and drinking at Dallas and Tammi’s home, everyone stays the night there. The male character (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) and Tammi make a mistake that will change their lives forever and a month later they find out they are having a baby, they do love each other. They’ve been together a year now, it’s still a little soon for them to be starting a family, especially since they are both gang members. But they made the mistake, now they must live with it. After a matter of months they find out they are having twins, the male character (Soda Pop, Two-Bits, or Steve) must now deal with helping his gang, his job, and his pregnant girlfriend. The story will go on from here, but this is as far as the plot goes for now.