By god, my head feels like it's being chewed on by a pack of wild animals. I've got a post for you, though, so let's get this ball rolling. I hope I don't come across as too pretentious for starting off with poetry, but I was in a pretetious mood when I made the first thread, and I thought you should at least know what the game's name is all about! As you'll probably notice, I've mentioned some obvious escape routes for each character. You're welcome to use those, or think some up for yourselves. During your escape, throw in and/or overcome any enemies and obstacles you want in any way you see fit; you're all quite powerful and shouldn't have any problems with regular soldiers, so a bit of what might otherwise be considered godmoding is fine. In general, I'm gonna try to be pretty nonrestrictive in this game, as long as I have an interesting read and you don't go ending our journey prematurely. It'd be pretty bad to have a fantasy road trip without visiting at least a few exotic locales, right? You're free to make it out of the city and meet up if you want, or to end your post anywhere during your flight, at which point I'll come in and throw in some further obstacles and advance the story as needed. If any of you end up stuck waiting for the others, feel free to do some character building and what not in the meantime, or to simply hold off on posting. I will also warn everyone right now - I'm not a stickler for having people post every X days, but if we end up stuck waiting for someone to post (and what counts as stuck can vary heavily), I may have to violate the sanctity of player control in order to move things forward. I'll try to keep it to a minimum, of course, but one of my main concerns is making sure the game flows. Worst case scenario, you can always take care of business retroactively. And by all means, take your time replying, asking any questions you might have and so on. I have a feeling I didn't include everything I wanted to in that opener, but I can't recall at the moment, so point out anything you see.