Julius nodded with a smile, he had a photographic memory so it was hard, if not nearly impossible, for him to miss such small details. [b]"I noticed, he's also like us. He somehow swapped my watch for another, his is heavier and there's no ticking sound."[/b] Julius' hearing had become incredibly accurate and sensitive due to his eyes having been removed and that strengthening of the sense had not left him, largely because he went to great pains to ensure it did not. [b]"Hold on a mo, I'll get my radar up."[/b] He closed his eyes, focussing intensely on reading the air currents in a five block radius. Normally he would spend time before retreating to an area setting up his 'radar' but he could not afford to alert authorities to this place if they noticed irregular air movement; they jumped at the slightest thing these days and would surely notice his power especially. Making a few, very small adjustments, to the flow of air in a few alleyways, Julius was able to construct a map in his mind of everything in the area. If anyone came looking for them or followed them he would know now. He noticed the man at the bus stop had left, walking away. It was odd for someone to move on from a bus stop when the bus hadn't yet arrived and he had only been there when Julius and Mari retreated into the alleyway. [b]"The guy from the bus stop is probably tailing one of us, probably me as well. They can't have got someone on your tail already."[/b] Julius warned Mari, opening his eyes. The radar was still there in his head; he had perfected keeping it active passively when he wasn't fighting or focussing on something which required his complete attention. It wasn't long before they made it to the building. Julius led the way, leaning on a handrail to take the weight off of his injured leg. They passed a few of the homeless, most of them looking like they had been there for some time. Once they got to the third storey of the building suddenly it was quieter; devoid of the population below and with bits of odd furniture here and there in one large room that had previously been used for conferences. [b]"This used to be a charity building. It seems only right we use it now."[/b] Julius said to Mari, chuckling as he limped forwards and found a wheeled chair in half-decent condition. [b]"People are too scared of the old gang that worked here to come and nick it all which is ideal. Oh... see the cupboard in that wall? I had Alexis stocking it with bed rolls, sleeping bags, blankets; that sort of thing."[/b] He reached into a pocket and tossed it to Mari. [b]"That opens it. I'm not sure where to go from here but there are plenty of places to access the sewers and forgotten subway lines around here as well as disused basements and the like. I should have planned better than this, Mari. They were keeping a tight eye on me, even sent a few fake muggers and a sniper to get rid of me. If I'd realised earlier then maybe we wouldn't be back where we were six months ago. I guess Diego was right about them."[/b] He smiled sadly at Mari. [b]"So... how was Europe? I want to go back to Britain some time; when this is all over and if I'm still able at the end."[/b]