[quote=Vortex]Anyway, whats your solution mdk? Dare I say a revolution? [/quote] Institutionalized apathy. Revolutions empower new people to rule; we don't need a new pack of senators to solve the problem, the problem is we have a pack of senators running wild all over the hill. We need to show them just how pointless they are. For instance, I think eight-ish years ago there was a government shutdown withing NYS in Albany. Some big massive thing, and the two sides got into a grandstanding match, and we were all supposed to believe that the sky was falling. For the first few weeks all the state-congressional phone lines were ringing off the hooks, people writing letters and calling in to talk shows, begging everyone to compromise or find a new solution, something, you know, just get the government back in place (New York is very much a nanny-state). Of course the publicity was amazing, so all the state-senator types were like 'fuck it, let it ride, we're getting famous.' But then after a few weeks we all looked around and realized that the bridges didn't magically collapse, the jobs didn't magically go away, and frankly, shit was running smoother than ever (I dunno what the solutions were in NYC, because I lived upstate, but they figured it out). The shutdown lasted long enough that we all realized "Hang on..... why don't we just do this all the time?" It fell off the frontpage, life went on, and everybody was fine. The talk-show calls changed -- we stopped asking 'What can we do to make our senators go back to work?' and turned into 'Hang on, do we really have to pay them for these last couple months?' We were realizing, collectively, just how much we didn't need Albany. How irrelevant they were, and how much we over-valued their contributions to our lives -- absence made the heart grow stronger. When the GOP/Dem leaders realized that we were figuring it out, sure enough, they figured out a compromise that protected both of their interests, and the state government is right back to work. But some of us learned our lesson. So that rambled. What's my solution? We don't need or want any kind of revolution, get that out of your head. The chains are imaginary. The cage is imaginary. They are pointless, they don't control you, and they can't stop you. Just. Be. We could shut them down, or we could let them pretend they're in charge. The moral is, it's irrelevant.