Ruby Arrowson moved to the right, and vaulted a wall. She ran forward, and fired on a pair of robots. Unfortunately, at the same time she moved forward, the robots did too, and she was forced to backpedal and fire at the same time. She rolled into cover at the same time as the robots began to fire, and lifted her M7 around the wall, firing blindly. The shots that were hitting the wall ceased. Ruby quickly rounded the corner, and her eyes widened. "Hey, handsom-" Before she could finish her sentence, a robotic fist hit her stomach, and she was launched backwards, firing as she went. Her back hit something, and she let out what sounded like a yelp, dropping her entire magazine into the robot, which quickly approached to finish her off. The robot collapsed inbetween her legs, and she quickly got up, inserting another clip into her M7 and delivering a good kick to the bullet-filled robot. "Can't a girl get help around here?" Ruby giggles, before walking back to the scene to engage some more robots.