Sean gently took the lighter from her hand and thanked her while putting the cigarette in his mouth. He leaned back a bit and used his free hand to shield the lighter from rain drops and tiny gusts of wind. He was looking for something to trade with her out of the corner of his eye, he was going to use the lighter but he must've lost his a long with that paper. Failing that Sean decided maybe he'd just wait and see if he could do anything or better yet if she would. He was about to hand the lighter back in the man next to them got up and answered his phone, he walked off talking into it, Maybe Sean was wrong and the guy was just kind of weird, it wouldn't be the first or last time there was a weird person in New York. He decided to just ignore him, probably just over-thinking it. " Thanks again." Sean said twirling the lighter in between his fingers so the bottom of the lighter ended up facing the girl. Sean hadn't even realized that the two people he walked over too had walked away quickly after he had left, he thought he saw the girl with the blind guy eying him, but shrugged it off. "That's a cool accent, by the way." Sean said just trying to strike up a conversation, he'd have to play the long game on this one to see if there were powers involved with this girl, he wouldn't wait too long, he really just needed to provoke her powers if she had any or find a chance to subtly use his. "Where'd you get an accent like that from anyway?" Sean said; his own awkward way of asking where she was from. He glanced over to her, thick smoke made thicker by the cold air billowing from his nostrils. Sean tried to get a quick read on her, she seemed meek ostensibly, but there was something else deep down he just couldn't put his finger on it.