[hider=Turning point of the duel][u]Turn 5: [b]Michelle 8000[/b] / Aislin 6400[/u] Michelle was currently in trouble. With only Freya on the field, she would be vulnerable to attack. Michelle looked at her deck, then announced, "Draw!" as she drew her card. As she looked at her card, she started laughing, not believing what she was seeing. Her deck had responded to her in her time of need, and granted her the card she needed. Aislin was both confused and worried. If Michelle was laughing, that could only mean that something bad was approaching. "W-what's so funny?" Aislin asked. Michelle let the last bit of laughter die out, then responded, "You're about to face something that will bring your downfall." Michelle then announced, "Using the effect of Court of Justice, I Summon my ace monster: [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Splendid_Venus]Splendid Venus[/url]!" The golden ring then shined brilliantly as a four-winged golden goddess descended from it. Aislin countered, "I activate my Trap Card: [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bottomless_Trap_Hole]Bottomless Trap Hole[/url]! When you Summon a monster with 1500 or more ATK, it is destroyed and banished! So say goodbye to your 'ace monster'!" A pit opened underneath Venus, attempting to suck the golden goddess into it. Michelle smiled evilly when Bottomless Trap Hole was activated. "I knew you'd try a Trap Card, which is why I have one of my own," Michelle said, gesturing to her face-down card. "I activate my face-down card: [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Decree]Royal Decree[/url]! This negates all other Trap Cards on the field, so Bottomless Trap Hole is powerless!" The pit immediately closed itself, and Venus remained on the field. Aislin became frustrated when Bottomless Trap Hole had no effect. All she could do now was wait for the Battle Phase. Michelle smirked and explained, "When Splendid Venus is on the field, all non-Fairies lose 500 ATK and DEF! Oh, and don't forget, Freya gives all my Fairies 400 more ATK and DEF!" After the stat changes were applied to each monster, Michelle commanded, "Battle Phase! Venus, destroy Kannahawk the Tamed Sacred Spirit Beast!" Venus then rose into the air and shot feathers from all four of her wings, all aimed directly at Kannahawk. "I activate Kannahawk's effect!" Aislin countered. "During either player's turn, I can return Kannahawk to my Extra Deck to summon one banished 'Noble Spirit Beast' and one banished 'Spirit Beast Tamer' in Defense Position!" Kannahawk avoided the feather projectiles by shining brightly and splitting into two orbs of light, the feathers shooting past both of them, and the orbs transformed into Kannahawk the Noble Spirit Beast and Elder of the Spirit Beast Tamers. Michelle smirked, her main goal of removing the annoying Fusion Weapon accomplished, and continued on, "Alright then, Venus, destroy Kannahawk the Noble Spirit Beast!" Venus fired more feathers from her wings, this time landing a direct hit and turning Kannahawk into a shower of shards. "I place one card face-down and end my turn," Michelle said. [u]Turn 6: Michelle 8000 / [b]Aislin 6400[/b][/u] Aislin announced, "Draw!" as she drew her card, then said, "During my Standby Phase, the monster I banished using Kannahawk's effect is added to my hand," adding Petolphin the Noble Spirit Beast to her hand. "Now I Pendulum Summon Petolphin the Noble Spirit Beast in Defense Position!" Aislin announced, the Pendulum Summoning hole widening to allow one projectile to be shot through, the projectile transforming into a pink dolphin. "Now I activate Petolphin's effect! By banishing a 'Spirit Beast' card from my hand," Aislin said, getting rid of [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wen_the_Spirit_Beast_Tamer]Wen the Spirit Beast Tamer[/url]. "I can return one card you control to your hand, and I choose your Splendid Venus!" Before Petolphin could use its effect, though, the clouds underneath it turned red, and a large pillar of red lightning shot upward, leaving no trace of Petolphin when it dissipated. "I activated my Trap Card: [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Divine_Punishment]Divine Punishment[/url]. This card can negate a Spell, Trap, or Monster effect while Sanctuary in the Sky is on the field," Michelle explained as she gestured to her now face-up card. "Wait a minute," Aislin interjected. "your Royal Decree should have negated your own Trap Cards as well as mine." "Normally, it would," Michelle concurred. "but thanks to the second effect of Splendid Venus, my Spell and Trap cards can't be negated." Aislin was now out of options. None of her monsters were strong enough to defeat Venus, she had no Spell Cards to take out Venus, and any Trap Cards she could use were blocked off by Royal Decree. [b]*Summary[/b]: Aislin maintained her defense for as long as she could, but was ultimately unable to withstand the constant barrage of attacks from Michelle's Fairies. The final blow was struck by Freya, bringing Aislin's Life Points down to zero. The victory sound played as Michelle's picture was displayed on various screens around the area. Aislin dropped to her knees and cried, unable to stop herself. "I-I needed the e-extra c-credit from this t-tournament," Aislin said between sobs. "N-n-now I can't..." Lera was now helping her up, saying, "[i]Come on Aislin, it's not the end of the world. There's always next time[/i]." She turned to Michelle and Freya and said, "[i]Please excuse us. Aislin needs a little time to herself[/i]." Michelle was understanding, and nodded, "Of course, take your time." As Lera led Aislin away from the stage, the Student Council President's voice rang out over the intercom. "And so, the winner is Michelle Kine. Next up will be Akira Yamaguchi and Xihucoatl Jones. Please come up to the stage to begin the 3rd round."[/hider]