Wowza! I take a nap and the OOC explodes! I'm off to read the IC, sift through all these responses and then clack out a response on the keyboard. [b]***********************[u]UPDATE[/u]************************[/b] First off, great intro post Maxwell. I'll be replying to that with gusto my friend. [b]Gusto[/b] Secondly, I'll iron out the specifics of Taula's race so that all you beautiful people in the RP don't have to do anymore guesswork. Drungr are less a different species like Lin'Lise's lorenvolk or vaelie and more a fantasy ethnicity. They're humans that are collectively tall, broad of beam, have swart, sloe-black complexions, sharp teeth and longish tongues. Found most readily in the archipelago's hottest and coldest extremes their 'inhuman' physical prowess and 'bestial' tempers are best considered either heuristics or stereotypes depending on opinion. All that being said feel [u]more[/u] than free to treat her ICly as not being human--we've done worse in real life when meeting people that were red, black, short, tall or born with deformities. Like it says in the CS, many unflattering theories persist about Drungr. @Chromane: Hit the nail on the head. It would pretty much be the same unspoken you-lag-you-drag 'invitation' she extends to Sir. Long as he keeps up and keeps from being a burden she wouldn't mind the company. @Raptorman: Lin'Lise has a good head of height on Taula and weighs more than twice as much despite the Dungr looking like it should be the reverse; holding a figure more like Beowulf than Beyonce at around seven feet and creeping past two hundred and ninety pounds. All said feel as free as the others to think of her as either human or not, or even flip-flop on the opinion depending on if it's a positive or negative comparison. @Nemaisare: Like the way you think, keep it up. I think that's everyone.