[center] [img]http://s9.favim.com/orig/131121/actress-beautiful-cute-girl-Favim.com-1081535.jpg[/img] [i]"I should be like a butterfly, pretty to see..hard to catch"[/i] ------------- [b]Full Name:[/b] Tiffany Matthews (But she is McDaniels, later in RP would be revealed) ------------- [b]Nicknames:[/b] Tiff , Tea. -------------- [b]Mutant Alias:[/b]Firestar ------------ [b]Age:[/b] 20 -------------- [b]Gender:[/b] Female ------------- [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual -------------- [b]In Depth Description of Appearance:[/b] Tiffany is a 5'6 girl, she has a very good curvy built body because of her mother, her hair is dark brown with black, straight and down to her waist. Tiffany is the typical girly girl, who loves wearing skirts, shorts, dresses, high heels and fashionable clothing. She loves the fashion industry, and being a fashionable girl like herself, Tiffany wears different types of clothing, girly, sometimes a bit of tomboy, jeans and so on. ------------- [b]Personality:[/b] Tiffany is calm and level headed, a kind soul always looking out for others above herself. She is rational and just, often taking time to come up with a solution after considering all sides of the problem at hand. Occasionally she can be a little withdrawn into herself and can shift between being a quiet soft-spoken person to someone a little bit random and bubbly. very brave and respectful towards others. Tiffany is also a worried person, she likes to worry about people and thats one thing that she won't change about herself. She is loud and friendly. When anger her skin begins to grow hot emitting the heat from her body. If too angry the heat will be dangerous. ---------------- [b]Likes & Dislikes:[/b] +Fashion +Runways +Modeling/Photoshoots +Pink +Respectful people +Kids +Family +Pizza -Cocky people -Mean people -Ghosts -Blood(If she sees a lot of blood, she faints.) -Spiders -Jerks -People who scream in her ear ------------- [b]Mutation:[/b]Tiffany has a mental ability as well, just like her brothers, but her ability is to manipulate fire from her mind. AKA, Pyrokenisis, the ability to excite the atoms within an object, possibly enough energy to ignite the object, if concentrated. She could create flames, and if trained well, Tiffany could explode objects by heating them and causing them to blow up into pieces. She is also able to extinguish it or increase it. If Tiffany practices this ability a lot, it could expand into making her body explode with fire and fly. (Like Human torch, but I wanna rp having it later in RP.) Tiffany has basic telepathy, she could only speak in the mind and read them. Tiffany's strength, is her siblings, they are the one who makes her stronger because they are always there for her when she needs them. Also, her other strength would be to concentrate hard when using her mental abilities, clearing her mind is one of them. Tiffany's weakness is so common, water or a hit in the head. Water because her ability of fire and a hit in the head would basically make her abilities act crazy and she won't be able to use them as good as she usually do. ------------ [b]Fears:[/b] Tiffany's biggest fear is to loose her siblings, her brothers. Also spiders but loosing her brothers is her biggest fear and that is one thing that she dosen't want. ------------ [b]History:[/b] Tiffany was just a baby, a small baby, when she was brought to an adoptive home, why? Because her parents didn't want to race another child with then having two other twins were enough and she was a very special child. Her mother cried when she left her child in an adoptive home, but it had to be done because they didn't have time to race Tiffany. Tiffany's adoptive parents were two woman lovers, lesbians. They were both so nice to her, especially because they gave her everything she wanted but as she was getting older, she grown mature and didn't let no one buy her anything, unless she really wants it. At a very young age, Tiffany has been causing objects explode into fire, her parents knew why but they didn't talk to her about, the only thing they said was that it was that the house was haunted, but Tiff knew that it was her. A few years later, Tiffany was going to a regular school, with regular students, she knew about her powers and so did her parents, while in class she accidently caused one of her books to explode into fire with her mind. It was one day when she was in class, Tiff was angry at one of the boys calling her pretty, weird and the other word that she hated, bitch. As soon as he said that, the book infront of her exploded into fire, she got out of the classroom running away from school. She was in college, Tiff was 19 going to 20. She was pissed off because but didn't want to live like a normal teenager, she was a mutant as others say. As soon as she got home, she went to her room slamming her door, her parents worried sick and that was when someone was knocking on the door.. *KNOCK KNOCK* Jessica(Tiffany's mom) walked to the door opening it, and there was a guy with a wheelchair. "Hi. I am Charles Xavier and I am are here to talk with your daughter.." "Tiffany!" Jessica yelled calling out her daughter. He explained to Jessica and Tiffany, they had to let Tiffany go because if she dosen't she might hurt her parents. Before Tiffany left, Jessica told Tiffany everything that she needed to know about her real parents and that she had two other siblings, Jessica gave Tiffany a picture of her brothers and parents. Tiffany's life was destroyed, her real parents never liked her! But that's what she thought. Hugs and kisses, crying and all, Tiff was took into the Xavier's Academy. She looked down at her picture, that was given to her, maybe she will never see her real family again.... but her adoptive parents are always gonna be her real family and that won't change. [/center]