Aulus Gordianus Tranquillus and his legion XIII known as the sphinx legion, through the career of Aulus Gordianus he was able to defend villages against some of the gale attacks with their legion of horsemen and advanced legion fighters. Aulus Gordianus used his horsemen to his advantage in every battle using their quick speed and weaponry to flank the enemy while the other legion units held the enemy pinned down. However at the moment their great legion of defenders were simply in the legion barracks in the city of Rome waiting for their next orders to come in right now Aulus Gordianus was waiting in his office waiting for word for the senate to send them off somewhere while the other men were playing cards or training for their next battle. Aulus Gordianus second in command was making sure that the other men were 'playing clean' making sure that none of the men turned their weapons against each other out of a fit of rage, or simple boredom. Aulus Gordianus Tranquillus is able to command his legion proudly on the field and leads by example always making sure he keeps the civilians safe from the battle while they took care of the enemy. Aulus Gordianus was waiting for his orders so that they can go into another glorious battle for Rome....