[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/65496/posts/ooc]Some Reading to Do[/url][/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/65496/posts/ooc]Link to Interest Check and Plot Premise[/url][/center] [center][b][i]Character Creation[/b][/i][/center] Naturally when you log on to Grand Quest Online (GQO) the first thing you will do is create your character. This character will become who you are and you only get one shot at it, so make sure you create your character wisely. [hider=Stats] Naturally the first thing to decide is Stats. You have 8 Stats that your Character possesses. At Character Creation you acquire 48 points that you can put into your Stats. The lowest any of your Stats can be is 1 and the highest is 10 at Character Creation. Whenever you Level Up you gain 3 Points to allocate into any of your Stats. You can either put all three into a single Stat or spread them out. As you get higher in Level the amount you gain per Level increases, but for now you only gain 3 Stat Points per Level. It is possible to get free Stat Points though. Skills, performing various tasks, training or honing your abilities in various ways, and other such things can increase your Stats. Naturally, it is possible for your Stats to decrease as well, such as certain abilities or other forms of damage or ailments can cause permanent decreases to your Stats as well. Strength (STR): Represents your physical strength and might. Used for melee combat and for other forms of strength based tasks or abilities. Used to determine HP, deal extra damage with meele weapons, use stronger weapons and armor, reduce physical damage taken, and do other forms of tasks that require more brute physical strength. Vitality (VIT): Your overall toughness and constitution. Used for resisting various physical ailments and for being able to take more punishment. Highly recommended for all characters. Vitality has little use outside of keeping you alive, which is VERY IMPORTANT, so Vit by no means should be a dump stat. Agility (AGI): Your coordination and speed. Used for various finesse based tasks as well as for dodging or parrying and other forms of either bodily movement or hand-eye movement. Also useful in avoiding blows so that you don't take any damage. Intelligence (INT): Your character's general knowledge, basic aptitude, and overall intuition. Primarily used in knowledge based persuits, this Stat also has a role in magic as well. A higher Int is required for certain more mystical abilities (magic or otherwise) and this often can strengthen many other forms of abilities or make it easier to acquire more powerful Skills. Also increases the number of Talent Points you possess. Wisdom (WIS): Character's overall willpower and mental fortitude. Used in various situations including for focusing your mind or for resisting mental ailments. Used mainly for more focus or willpower based abilities and for resisting mental ailments. The 'mystical' version of Str. Charisma (CHA): Character's overall social graces and magnetism. Mainly used in talking to other people, you'll find yourself growing more charismatic the higher this Stat is. Some special abilities also use this Stat. Spirit (SPI): The spiritual strength of your character's very being and soul. Is the 'Mystical' version of your VIT for all intents and purposes for increasing MP and reducing metaphysical damage dealt to you. Luck (LUK): How blatantly lucky your character is. Has no definite category as it is used in a number of situations. (Also in Game Mechanics terms, every 10 Luck gives you one Epic Point). [hider2=Sub Stats] These are the special Stats that are determined by your 'main' Stats. They only increase through abilities increasing them or as you raise your main Stats. Health (HP): Health Points or 'HP'. Determines how much punishment your character can take. When it gets to 0, your Character falls Unconscious and is considered to be Bleeding Out (see Combat Conditions for details). Base HP is determined by 10 + VIT (x2) + STR (x2) + 1/2 VIT times your current level. Mana (MP): Your Magic Points or 'MP'. Determines how often you can use your extraordinary abilities. Whenever you use Skills or other such abilities, you use up MP. When you get to 0 MP you can no longer use any special abilities. Base MP is determined by 5 + Spirit (x2) + Wis + 1/2 Spi times your current Level. Constitution (Con): Represents your ability to resist physical damage. All Physical Damage is reduced directly by your Con. Determined by 1/2 Vit + 1/4th Str. Resistance (Res): Represents your natural and passive knack to block and resist metaphysical attacks. All 'Energy' Damage is reduced directly by your Res. Determined by 1/2 Wis + 1/4th Spi. Health Regeneration (HP Regen): Your ability to naturally and passively heal your wounds over time. Your HP Regen determines how much HP you restore/minute. Determined by 1/4th VIT. Mana Regeneration (MP Regen): Your ability to rest, recover, and naturally restore your mystical and spiritual energies. Your MP Regen determines how much MP you restore/minute. Determined by 1/4th Spi. [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Talents] The natural knacks and special talents that your character possesses that many of your Skills and overall abilities stem from. At Character Creation you get 30 Talent Points (TP), plus an additional number of Talent Points equal to 1/3rd of your INT. None of your Talents can be higher than 4 from Talent Points at Character Creation and the max they can ever get to is 20. Every time you level up you get 2 TP to put into your Talents. You can only level up a Talent once per level, meaning if you have 2 TP you must put them into additional talents. If you get a TP from increasing your INT, it must go into a different Talent other than the one you put your two points into. As you get higher in Level, you will eventually gain more TP/Level. Naturally if you save up Talent Points, you can increase any Talent by how many times you have leveled up. For instance, if you save 3 levels worth of TP, you can then put 3 TP into any Talent as that would have been you raising that Talent once for those three level ups. There are also ways to get free Talent Points, but when you do they usually apply to only that Talent. Exceptionally succeeding on certain tasks, going about certain endeavors of practice/training, or even leveling certain Skills can all increase your various Talents, which doesn't count towards your putting 1 TP into a Talent per Level. Talents cannot be de-leveled. At Rank 10 it becomes harder to get free TP. It takes 2 Criticals instead of one (see Criticals in How Challenges Work) to get a free point in a Talent. You also must have above a 12 in the Stat that goes along with said Talent in order to level it past 10 (either with free points or through TP gained through leveling up). At Rank 15 you can only put TP into a Talent every OTHER Level and you can no longer get free TP in said Talent. [/hider] [hider=Talent List] The following list are the Talents you start off with. As you travel and explore more you will be able to acquire new Talents that you can Level to acquire new abilities. Acrobatics (AGI): This Talent represents your movement and grace and is used when performing feats of agility and balance. One example is Dodging in Combat. Animal Handling (CHA): If you want some sort of pet or other form of bestial companion like a mount then this Stat is more right for you. Appraisal (INT): The act for judging the general value and quality of objects. Useful especially in Crafting and examining weapons. Climbing (STR): The ability for climbing various surfaces such as walls, trees, and etcetera. Useful for getting up things in a hurry. Crafting (INT): The art of creating various objects. Used in conjunction with various Crafting Skills (Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, and etc) for making, repairing, or even examining various forms of objects. First Aid (INT): The art of healing or treated those who are wounded or sick. Includes treating Wounds and other such things. In GQO, healing items are actually rather rare and hard to make and healing powers are a bit rare, so this Skill can be rather useful for healing wounds outside of combat for when you don't have time to sit and rest. Can even be used in Combat, but makes you open for attack. Fisticuffs (AGI): The basics of brawling and unarmed combat are covered by this Talent. A basics of this is required for more intricate unarmed combat or martial arts Talents. Focus (WIS): The ability to clear your mind and focus on things. Especially helpful with concentration based skills like magical or spiritual ones, but also has use with other combat skills as well. Herbalism (INT): Allows you to identify and use various herbs you find about the land. A pretty useful Talent since healing items are rather expensive. Knowledge (INT): Represents your character's general knowledge and ability to remember things they have learned. Depending upon your character certain Checks for this Talent may be higher than others. Also various Talents or Skills may require a higher rank in Knowledge to unlock, magic especially, but the very basics of all mystical arts require at least 5 Ranks in Knowledge, and beyond that a Knowledge 10 is required to expand upon them. Manipulate Device (AGI): The knack for operating or interacting various forms of devices that require finesse and includes things like lock picking as well, since locks are devices that require finesse (to open without Keys anyway). Melee Weaponry (AGI): Your basic ability and instincts for fighting with Melee Weapons and includes attacking and parrying with them, and training with different weapons can lead to different levels of skill in them with special Weapon Expertise Skills. Negotiation (CHA): Talking is natural for humans and this Skill represents your aiblity to negotiate with people whether its persuading or bluffing them. Observation (INT): The ability to observe the area around you or even other people to obtain information with both intuition and your senses. Useful for searching an area or finding hidden people or objects. Performance (CHA): Your ability of singing, playing instruments, and other such arts of performance. While there is no stat boosting music, some special spiritual or magical abilities may rely on this Talent, including the playing of enchanted instruments. Projectile Weaponry (AGI): The ability to aim and fire different forms of projectile weapons, and training with different weapons can lead to different levels of skill in them with special Weapon Expertise Skills. Also various mystical attacks are considered Projectile Weapons and thus utilize this Talent. Sleight of Hand (AGI): Shows your ability to be quick and stealthy with your hands to do things from pick pocketing to basic "magic tricks". Stealth (AGI): The ability to stealthily sneak around and hide without being seen. Often opposed by any potential onlookers Observation Rolls. You also move slower when sneaking, but if you can sneak up on opponents to attack you could deal some pretty good damage. Thrown Weapons (AGI): The innate human talent of chucking things at people to hurt them. Could either be done with finesse using actual throwing weapons or with less finesse and you throw whatever you can get your hands on at them, and training with different weapons can lead to different levels of skill in them with special Weapon Expertise Skills. [/hider] [hider=Attributes] This is one neat element of customization that people like in GQO. The Attribute System. At Character Creation you get one Attribute Level (AL), which allows you to acquire a Level 1 Attribute. At every 4th Level you can acquire another AL. These can either be used to gain another Level 1 Attribute, or be used to level up one of your Attributes. Attributes give a small bonus of some kind, this bonus getting better when the Attribute levels up. This bonus can be anything from a stat boost to a boost to even a boost of resistance to a certain type of damage. Naturally a higher level Attribute gives a more expansive and/or higher bonus. The max level any attribute can get to is Level 3. The thing about Attributes though is that they can be changed. By visiting an Attribute Resetter in any Town, you can reset your Attribute Level(s) to get different Attributes. Naturally this can be used in case you wanna try out a different set of abilities or perhaps were just using an Attribute to get to meet a requirement for something, like using it to get a +1 to a Talent and meet the requirement for something, getting another Talent Point and putting it into said Talent, and then resetting your Attributes so you can use them for something else. For instance, in order to even use Magic at Character Creation, you have to get an Attribute that gives you +1 Knowledge since Attributes, at Character Creation, can take your Talents and Stats beyond the Character Creation maximums. Anytime you gain an AL (including at Character Creation) you can choose to forgo 2 Talent Points and 2 Stat Points to gain another AL. You must do this before you spend the points you are going to forgo though. At Character Creation, doing this can only get you a second Level 1 Attribute, not a Level 2 Attribute (tell me if you are going to do this at Character Creation). There are both pros and cons to forsaking Stat and Talent Points to get an additional Attribute Level. [hider2=Sample Attributes] You can either choose one of these samples or suggest your own. You can even find a way to change one of these Attributes to give different bonuses if you'd like. Deft Hands: Your hands can move pretty quietly. +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Manipulate Device, +5 Accuracy to all Sneak Attacks. Base Element Attunement: You are somewhat attuned to a certain base element. Choose an element. Get 5% Elemental Resistance and powers using that element are 10% more effective. Base Element Resistance: You are pretty resistant to a certain base element. +1 Res, +10% Damage Resistance to the element of your choice (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, or Lightning). Focused Mind: Your mind is pretty concentrated and focused. +1 WIS, +1 Focus Magic Attuned: You have a bit of natural skill in the art of magic. -10% MP Cost to all Beginner Magic, all Beginner Magic is 10% more powerful. Nimble: You are pretty swift on your feet. +1 AGI, +1 Acrobatics Knowledgeable: You are quite knowing on different subjects. +1 INT, +1 Knowledge. Spiritual Strength: You have a pretty strong spirit. +1 Spirit, +1 Res. Strong: You're pretty tough physically and thus can dish out punishment. +1 STR, +2 to the Damage Range of all Weapons. [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Starting Ability] The final thing to decide when building your character is their starting weapon and starting skill. You can choose any sort of mundane weapon you can think of (spear, sword, shield, crossbow, bow, dagger, etc) or choose a somewhat more not-so mundane weapon that is still incredibly basic, but does have some supernatural capability. You also choose a Skill to start off with. This can either be 'Damage' based or 'Technical' based. Damage based would just be its something meant for mainly offense. If its Technical based then its something that has some other sort of purpose (could be a special combat maneuver, a defensive ability, etc). It can be based off what weapon you choose to start, but doesn't necessarily have to be (unless its a mystical one). Here is one example of a starting weapon that is outside the mundane and from the world of GQO rather than a known weapon. You can either use this, or suggest one of your own as long as it is a very basic one that can allow some sort of basic mystical or unique (doesn't necessarily have to be supernatural) skill. Could even be something made with a unique crafting Skill like Alchemy or Engineering or something (and said Craft Skill would be the special Skill you start off with). [url=http://asset.103.ggftw.net/wiki/gc-w/images/c/c1/TO_Acacia_Wand.png]Basic Wand:[/url] A basic wand meant for beginners. Holds a basic magical focus gem in it that is required for the usage of magic, but the quality of this wand can only channel magical Cantrips, beginner spells that every mage must practice before they can begin to get into real magic. Requires 10 INT and 5 Knowledge to use. There are very few attack spells that this wand can actually handle from the Cantrips, but they do exist. A magic wand's basic attack is to send out a shot of magic energy that uses up Mana. Its either that, or you can smack enemies with it. [/hider] [center][b][i]Game Elements[/b][/i][/center] More of these to come later once some more things have been revealed. [hider=How Challenges Work] Every task or thing in this Game is known as a Challenge. To determine the result of a Challenge, a % die (d100 or roll 2 d10s and use one as the ten digit and another as the 1 digit, giving a result of 0 - 99 (or 1 - 100). Your 'Score' for that Roll is then subtracted from the roll's result. A Score represents your overall proficiency in said task. For pure Stat Rolls, this just is simply a Stat Score you possess. For Talents, your 'Talent' Score is used, which is the Talent's Rank + the appropriate Stat used with said Talent. So lets say you have Rank 5 Stealth and 12 AGI. Your Stealth Score is 17. Whatever your score is that amount is increased by any Bonuses you would have in the situation and decreased by any situational penalties. AFter that, the final amount is subtracted from the result of your % roll. If the final result is below the CL (Challenge Level) for the Challenge, then you succeed. If it is equal, then you fail. If by some miracle you tie, then Luck is rolled. For a regular challenge, the CL of the Luck Roll is 50%. For two challenges of people opposing each other, the one with the lower result succeeds. [hider2=Criticals & Fumbles] There are instances of either doing so well or failing so badly that beyond the expected normal result of a failure or a success occurs. This is what is known as a Critical and a Fumble. To score a Critical, you have to get a 0 on the % dice. Every 10 points you have in Luck actually increases what you need to get on the dice by 1. Getting in this range scores a Critical, and something incredible beyond the ordinary success happens. If its a Talent Challenge, then you get a free TP in that Talent if it is below Rank 15 (it takes 2 Criticals to give it free TP at Rank 10). A Fumble is the opposite. It is a failure beyond a normal failure and happens whenever a 95-99 are rolled on the % dice. A Fumble can also give free TP, but follows the same rules as a Critical in terms of when it can and cannot do so. Unlike Criticals, what you need to roll on the dice will not change as your Luck grows, it will always be 95-99 (a 5% chance). [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Epic Points] Epic Points do not actually EXIST in game per say (your characters cannot see them or use them or anything like that). They are things for the player. Every player starts off with 3 of them. You can spend them in certain situations as they represent situations of incredible luck and 'epic' ability. Once you spend them they don't come back normally. You get 1 for every 10 points of Luck that you possess. You can also spend both a Talent and a Stat Point at a Level Up in order to get one as well. Doing awesome RPing or doing other epic things can score you EPs as well. You can spend 1 EP to get -25 to a Challenge's result, reroll a Challenge, get a better drop (or drops) from an enemy, or have something else special happen. Also if you do enter Bleeding Out Status, you can spend 1 EP to stop Bleeding Out and instead be brought back to 10% HP as it represents a powerful burst of will that can restore a bit of your health. You can also spend an Epic Point to get another Action on any Turn of combat. If you are instantly killed (see Deadly Status in Combat Conditions), you can spend 2 EP to prevent your death, getting back to 10% HP instead. [/hider] [hider=Skills] Skills are special abilities that your character has. They are unlocked through 'Special Actions', which can be anything from something accidental to a bout of experimentation/training with your current abilities that unlocks a new Skill. Skills come in two types. Passive and Active. Passive Skills do not need to be activated and instead just bestow some sort of special affect that is always activated. Active Skills must be activated through voice commands, which is done by simply saying the Skill's name out loud, which means you cannot mumble it beneath your breath. You must have your Character say its name to use it. For Skills that are both Passive & Active then you still need to say its name to activate the active affect, but the Passive doesn't need to be activated. You can rename your Skills as you see fit, although doing so in Combat is not recommended as it can leave you wide open. Renaming a Skill allows you to essentially change it up in case you don't want people to predict what your Skill does based on its name. Some Skills can give free TP or SP (Stat Points) as you Level them up, but otherwise leveling up a Skill makes it stronger over time and may make it cost less MP if it uses alot. To Level up a Skill, use the Skill within the Level Up Conditions of said skill. Some simply require them to be used, others require special conditions like scoring hits with them, using them for certain means, and etcetera. As a Skill gets higher in Level it becomes harder to level and some of the easier leveling conditions may either change or go away. All Skills can get to a max of Level 25. After that they cannot be leveled up anymore. Also sometimes how your character is built or just based on who they are can grant your Character special Skills. Reaching certain amounts in your Stats can also grant special Skills. Naturally Skill Books exist as well, but have requirements you have to meet most of the time. [/hider] [hider=Experience Points] Naturally as you battle monsters, complete quests, and do other such things you can acquire Experience Points or XP as XP represents your character growing stronger and wiser as they journey. Every time you get a certain amount of XP you Level Up and some benefits come with this (Stat Points, Talent Points, etc). Here is how much XP is needed to level up. Naturally as you progress more you'll need more to level. Most monsters give out around 1 - 4 XP, but some special monsters or quests give out more. Even fighting other players can give XP. Note that the amounts below is how much TOTAL XP you need to reach that Level. Meaning your XP does not reset to 0 or whatever when you level up. Lv 1: 0 XP Lv 2: 15 XP Lv 3: 30 Lv 2: 50 Lv 3: 70 Lv 4: 95 Lv 5: 120 Lv 6: 150 Lv 7: 180 Lv 8: 215 Lv 9: 250 Lv 10: 290 Lv 11: 330 Lv 12: 375 Lv 13: 420 Lv 14: 470 Lv 15: 520 Lv 16: 575 Lv 17: 630 Lv 18: 690 Lv 19: 750 Lv 20: 815 Lv 21: 880 Lv 22: 950 Lv 23: 1020 Lv 24: 1095 Lv 25: 1170 Lv 26: 1250 Lv 27: 1330 Lv 28: 1415 Lv 29: 1500 Lv 30: 1590 Lv 31: 1680 Lv 32: 1775 Lv 33: 1870 Lv 34: 1970 Lv 35: 2070 The pattern keeps going from here. If you don't realize what it is yet, its that the amount of XP you need stays the same for 2 Levels, then rises by 5 (first two level ups need 15 XP, so to hit Levels 2 and 3 you need 15 XP each time, then after that you need 20 for the next two, then 25 and so on and so forth. [/hider] [hider=Filler Days] Naturally there will be days of just random grinding or questing, or in this case days where nothing really significant is happening (ill try to avoid it, but they will happen). These are how those work. You get 3 Actions per day (each Action representing Morning, Afternoon, and Night, a phase of the day) and can spend them doing any of the following. Get good enough on a Roll doing an Action and you may either be able to repeat that action (I.E. you do it for longer and get more out of it) or even be able to do a different action in that phase of the day (like you want to grind, but experiment if there's any time left in the morning is how you could phrase this). [hider2=Grinding] If you know of a good monster spawn point you can spend part of the day grinding there. Combat is auto-rolled, and the better you did the fewer difficulties you had in grinding the monsters here. Naturally more difficulties may have forced you to either flee and spend more time or even use precious Healing Items. Note, Grinding is easier in Groups. [/hider2] [hider2=Special Task] Magic Rituals, Crafting, and other such things take a while and as such you can spend part of your day on that as well. [/hider2] [hider2=Experimentation] Perhaps there is some special Skill you are trying to unlock or create. Well you can spend a while practicing and experimenting with that to try and unlock new said Skill. [/hider2] [hider2=Stat/Skill/Talent Grinding] Instead of just aimlessly grinding monsters, you can instead find a safe area to grind Skill Levels instead. You can also try to train your various Talents to get free points in them (this being a basic Talent Challenge, CL varies, good RPing may give bonuses here). And of course, you can also do other forms of Training to even try and get free Stat Points as well, like vigorous running to increase VIT or something along those lines. [/hider2] [hider2=Exploration] You can either explore an area you haven't seen or been to yet or perhaps explore some other area you have already seen/been to to discover more that is there. This takes up an entire phase of the day regardless. It can also be used to try and clear a Dungeon if you manage to find one (although that takes a series of Rolls and may take more than one phase since Dungeons are pretty difficult). Also doing really poorly on the Auto Resolve Rolls may force you to either retreat or may even kill your character. You can also use this to go visit someone, but that will also take up an entire phase of the day whether its going to talk or going to stores or something to buy something. Yes this can be used to peruse and browse stores for specific things you are looking for. If you know what you are buying though, then you can go there and find it exactly without using an entire phase of the day (you may use some of it though). [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Power Specifics] In this world there are three types of powers. Magic, Spiritual, and Physical. Here is a bit of specifics on all of them, nothing really super knowing, but a bit of info for the players (note, you all being a small bit blind is completely and totally intentional, deal with it). [hider2=Magic] Magic is the casting of various forms of magical spells to achieve various affects or phenomenon. It is widely diverse, but what a mage can do exactly is based around the specific form(s) of magic that he/she knows. Generally though it involves commanding some form of element, power, or force to do something for them using their various spells. When using any Spell, in game mechanics terms now, a Spellcraft Challenge is made using the appropriate Talent Score for said Spell. For Basic Spells the CL is 75, for Intermediate its 50, Expert its 25, and Master Class Magic its 0. If you succeed, your Spell gets a Spell Power bonus that represents excess power you manifested enhancing the overall magical power of the Spell (this does something different for every spell). If you fail, you cast the spell as normal as long as you were within 25 or fewer of the CL. If you were out of this range with your result, then the spell fizzles and the MP is wasted. If you Fumbled, the MP is still wasted and the spell backfires. Cantrips neither have a Talent that goes with them nor do they get Spell Power bonuses due to the spells themselves being so rudimentary and weak that there really is no excess power that needs to be gathered nor is there any remote possibility of backfire unless you just suck that much. Thus, no Challenge is made whenever using Cantrips. [/hider2] [hider2=Spiritual Powers] Spiritual Powers represent special forces and strengths that reside in one's spirit. These can vary from mystical spiritual arts to just controlling of one's own energy or spiritual force to accomplish basic, but extraordinary, feats. Typically those these range in 2 different types. Spiritual Arts: Using your own spiritual power to harness, commune with, and/or control some special force or power using various mystical techniques. Spiritual Force: Using spiritual power to perform feats that are basic, but still extraordinary that may or may not revolve around some special power that you possess. [/hider2] [hider=Physical Prowess] Ranges from martial arts to just basic techniques or skills that usually may rely on your body's internal and/or external energies to increase physical prowess in various ways. May also just rely on passive abilities that also increase your various physical abilities as well. It is usually skills of this type that are easily combined with Skills of the other two types. [/hider2][/hider] [center][i][b]Combat[/b][/i][/center] Goes along with Game Elements, but since the hiders can only have one hider in a second hider, putting it in its own section. Naturally in any MMO combat is going to be apart of it. Granted there is alot more than Combat here in Grand Quest Online, combat is also a large part of the game and is said to be one of the most intense VRMMORPG combat games out there. [hider=Turn Order] Turn Order is pretty simple. Its play by post, so the players will go first. When you post for your Turn simply have what your character does and ill post a result post for what happens (this goes for all actions both in and out of combat really that involve you doing something). After the players post, then the enemies get their turn, although sometimes some certain enemies or NPCs will go after certain players have had their turn instead of normal order. If you do not post for a while your Turn will be skipped and your character open to attack. If you can't post just say so, otherwise I will assume the worst and just skip your Turn and will continue to skip it until you come back and post, your character having been assumed to be spacing out or something like that. [/hider] [hider=Actions] Once its your Turn you get a single Action and a multitude of Free Actions. Every Round is five seconds long, so your own Turn is five seconds long. Your Action is what you spend the majority of those five seconds doing. Free Actions are other very small things you are doing in the Round. Examples of Actions are Attacking, Using an Item, Using a Skill, Using certain Talents (like Climbing), and etcetera. Essentially anything that would take longer than just a moment. Examples of Free Actions are Speaking briefly (no need for long speeches in the heat of battle), taking something from your Inventory Window, putting something in your Inventory Window, basic forms of movement, using certain Talents (like Observation), using some Skills (like the Observe Skill, it will say if using it is a Free Action in its description, if it doesn't say that then using it takes an Action). For every 15 points you have in Agility, you get another Action on your Turn. So at 15 AGI, you can perform 2 Actions on your Turn instead of the normal one. Spending an Epic Point can also give you another Action on your Turn. [/hider] [hider=Attacking] When you Attack you have to make a Combat Challenge to determine your chance to hit. This uses one of the Combat Talents (Fisticuffs, Melee Weaponry, Projectile Weaponry, or Thrown Weaponry) based on your Attack. You can either make a Regular Attack or use an Attack Skill that makes up your whole Attack Action. If you make a Regular Attack you actually make a number of Attacks equal to 1 + 1/10th of your Attack Speed. Your Attack Speed is determined by your Score for that particular Attack Talent plus the Weapon Speed of your Weapon and any other bonuses that are factored in. Heavier weapons are slower, so their Attack Speed is actually lower and thus they won't be able to deal as many hits in a single action. Lighter weapons are the opposite and can be swung more times in a single action (its kinda like Final Fantasy). Most Ranged Weaponry only gets 1 Attack per Attack Action, this only applying to Melee Weapons or Fists mainly. Regardless of which you do, the main point is your attack has to connect to work. The way to determine this is with the Combat Challenge. Your opponent's Defense is the CL for this Challenge. Their base Defense is 50%, and then their Defense Score decreases this (see Defending for more details). There is another factor that can alter Defense. [hider2=Attack Distance] This main factor is distance and type of attack. This is the biggest factor for determining your Attack's. The following is a small chart showing different kinds of attack and their accuracy increases and decreases. Note that the Distance represents where your attack is taking place from. For instance if you are a bit further away and you want to make a Melee Attack you would have to run forward and then strike, which would give the opponent enough time to act depending upon how far you are running from which subtracts from your attack's accuracy (reach Weapons allow Close to be Point Blank, but Point Blank may intice a penalty instead of a bonus). For Projectile and Thrown if from Point Blank then your opponent could see you preparing your weapon and naturally throw you off, making it harder to get off your shot. In fact, if using Projectile or Thrown from Point Blank then your opponent actually gets a Free Attack against you (see Combat Situations). Melee: +25% (Point Blank), +0% (Close), -25% (Medium), -50% (Long), -- (Distant) Projectile: -25% (Point Blank), +25% (Close), +25% (Medium), +0% (Long), -25% (Distant) Thrown: -25% (Point Blank), +25% (Close), +0% (Medium), -25% (Lomg), -50% (Distant) [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Defending] When Defending against an Attack you have several options available to you. Your Defense Rating is what you possess to decrease the opponent's Success Chance and it is usually determined by Talents. There are three Talents that can be used as a Defense Rating for most Attacks, some Skills you may possess could give you new ways to defend yourself. I will usually assume you want to use your highest Defense Rating against attacks and just go with that when determining the result of your Attack, but if you have special Skills that do special things when defending in certain ways or if you just want to give a a worse form of Defense a chance for some reason (either due to special Skills or perhaps you have something RP wise planned) then tell me. The first is Dodging, where you completely evade the attack. Dodging uses your score in the Acrobatics Talent as as your Defense Rating. The second is Parrying, where you block an attack with a Melee Weapon. Against Ranged attacks if you try to Parry your Defense is decreased by 50. This uses your Melee Weaponry score plus your Weapon's Parry Rating. Note that Fisticuffs is also used here for Parrying, but when used to Parry actual weapons your Defense is increased by 10. The third is Blocking. If you possess a Shield of some sort you can use that to block any form of attack with no penalties. This is determined by Melee Weaponry score plus your Shield's block rating. Just note that some shields are heavier and can slow you down. [hider2=Guarding] You can also spend the final Action on your Turn performing a Guard. A Guard is a special action where you brace yourself and get in a good stance to dodge or bock attacks from. Guarding increases your Defense by 10 until your next Turn and, even if you do get hit, will reduce the damage by taken by a % amount equal to 50% of your Might (for physical) or Spirit (for not physical), which is factored in before your Constitution and/or Resistance is. [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Damage] If an attack connects it deals damage. All Weapons have a Damage statistic known as the Damage Range, where they deal a certain amount of Damage within a certain number range. The Damage is randomly decided, but if you manage to get a Full Hit, which is getting a result equal to 50% of the enemy's Defense, you deal Max Damage automatically. A Critical Strike happens when you either score a Critical on the Attack Roll or get within the Critical Range. Weapons have a Critical Range, where it makes it easier for them to strike weak points. Heavier/bigger weapons have a lower Critical Range while lighter weapons usually have a higher one since its easier to hit weak points with them. The Critical Range essentially increases what needs to be rolled on the Dice for a Critical Strike, but getting within that Range and not the actual what you need to get on the dice for the Critical does not give you a Critical for that Challenge, just a Critical Strike which deals double max damage and ignores enemy damage reduction. Some enemies are immune to Crits though. [/hider] [hider=Status Affects] There are many various Status Affects, but I will tell the more important ones in a few examples here. As more come up ill add them, but for now im just giving a few samples. You will be able to find Items that can help with Status affects. Bleeding Out: Your character is lying there, unconscious and dying. This occurs when your HP gets below 0 and you don't enter Deadly Status. To get out of this you must either spend an EP or wait for someone to heal you or treat you with First Aid. The CL for a First Aid Roll is 50% + 1/2 the patient's VIT Score. For each turn that you are bleeding out you have a chance to stabilize, the CL for this VIT Challenge being 50 - HP below 0. Every time you fail you lose 10 - 1/5th VIT HP (Minimum 5). Being treated by the First Aid Skill stabilizes you, but only a healing item/power can bring your HP back above 0 so that you can stand and fight. Deadly: Your mind is a powerful thing and it can sometimes let you even surpass the limitations of your body. When your HP goes below 0, regardless if its instant death (-VIT% HP), you get to make a WIS Challenge that has a CL of 50 - 50% HP Below 0. Upon success, you stay alive for a little longer, but are at -HP amount. Only healing that with items or powers can bring that HP back (as can spending an EP). If you do get hit though you either go back into Bleeding Out (if your HP is below 0) or instantly die if that last hit made your HP low enough. Diseased: You have been affected by some kind of sickness or disease. Detrimental affects or damage usually applied depending upon the disease. Fatigued: You are tired from doing too much for too long. While Fatigued you have a -25 to all Challenges that require either physical action or strenuous thinking or other such things. Some simple actions may still be able to be performed. You can automatically recover from fatigue completely after a short rest (usually around 30 minutes, higher VIT scores shorten this). Sleeping is the best way to get rid of this though. Paralyzed: You are either unconscious, tied up, or something else. Regardless of how it happened you are completely immobile and cannot move (if you can still speak though you can use Skills unless said Skill requires some form of movement). While like this all Attacks get +100 Accuracy against you and Coup De Graces are possible if the foe spends their entire round performing it. Poisoned: You have been poisoned and receive detrimental affects varying per poison. Some do damage, others have other special detrimental effects. Prone: You have been knocked down and must spend your next Action standing up. While Prone the enemy has a +10 Accuracy to Attack you (for Melee, for Ranged this is a penalty) and you have a -10 Accuracy for any Attacks you perform (-25 for some attacks, or some attacks may be exceptions, but these exceptions usually apply to Skills). Sealed: Your powers have been sealed. Like Silence, only it is just Skills that are unusable, you can still speak and access your Windows, you just cannot use any Skills that use MP. Silence: You have been silenced. You cannot speak and thus cannot use any Skills nor can you access any of your Windows which require you to Speak to open them up, which includes your Inventory. Surprised: You are surprised and unable to act. While Surprised you cannot act and your Defense Rating is reduced by half since you are forced to react on a dime and thus cannot Defend yourself as quickly. [/hider] [hider=Combat Conditions] These are special terms and situations that apply to Combat. Cover: You are hiding behind or beneath something, using it as Cover. Different Cover provides different forms of Defense Ratings against usually all forms of Attack depending upon the size and even the sturdiness of the cover. Some Cover also provides total cover and complete protection. If you are in Point Blank Range from a foe then you are considered to be providing Cover to the foe against Ranged Attacks coming from elsewhere and give a +10 Defense Rating to the foe against Ranged Attacks. If they miss and fail above a 10 then they are considered to have hit you for regular damage (if they Fumble, then they hit you with a Critical Strike). Coup De Grace: A finishing strike. You are able to perform one an opponent if they are Paralyzed. You perform an attack Roll (+100 Accuracy, but you can still Fumble) and you ignore Resistance and death is usually automatic (some foes are immune to Coup De Graces). Death: You are dead, hard to say it, but it’s true. If you either suffer a Coup De Grace or your HP is reduced to a % amount below your HP equal to 50 + VIT% below its max value then you are dead. That’s it. Dead. No coming back. No extra lives. Game over. Only 2 EP can be used to cheat death and come back, but you have to use it right before you die. Free Strike: Sometimes opportunity presents itself in the most unexpected of places. Combat is a more expected place. If you are in Point Blank Range from an opponent and have a Melee Weapon equipped, if they open themselves up for a Free Strike you will get a free Regular Attack against them (unless you have a Skill that can be used otherwise). Note that since this attack is spontaneous you suffer a -25 Accuracy. If an opponent is opening themselves up in the post I am working on, I will PM you asking if you want to take a Free Strike, or you can just tell me that you want me to assume that you always will take Free Strikes to save yourself the trouble. [/hider] Your CS is here. I will be taking care of any necessary Stat Edits to your CS as well as all of the math, dice rolling, and other such things in this game. You guys just worry about having fun RPing and being awesome. Real Name: Age: (Min 15 years) Gender: Appearance: (Description, Pic, or Both) Personality: At least one paragraph long, show me some writing ability. History: Just somethings about your character's life that are important like what they do, who they are, maybe where they came from. Note that going into detail may or may not help your character out in game, since this will have place in both the real world and the virtual world. Epic Points: 3 --- Character Name: Appearance: Characters will generally look like their real world counterparts, but there can be some minor differentiations in appearance. (Can be either description, pic, or both). [hider=Status Window] Level: 1 XP: 0 48/48 Points Remaining (none lower than 1, none higher than 10 at Character Creation, free points from Skills and Attributes can make them higher than 10 though) STR: VIT: AGI: (+1) INT: (+1) WIS: CHA: SPI: LUK: HP: HP Regen: MP: MP Regen: Constitution: Resistance: [/hider] [hider=Talent Window] Can put no more than 4 into one right now. Talent Points: 30 + (1/3rd INT) = Acrobatics (AGI): Animal Handling (CHA): Appraisal (INT): Climbing (STR): Crafting (INT): First Aid (INT): Fisticuffs (AGI): Focus (WIS): Herbalism (INT): Knowledge (INT): Manipulate Device (AGI): Melee Weaponry (AGI): Negotiation (CHA): Observation (INT): Performance (CHA): Projectile Weaponry (AGI): Sleight of Hand (AGI): Stealth (AGI): Thrown Weapons (AGI): [/hider] [hider=Attribute Window] Put your chose Attribute(s) or your own custom Attribute(s) here. [/hider] [hider=Skill Window] Where your Skills are visible from. Your Starting Skill goes here as do these two. ??? (MAX Lv) (Passive): +1 AGI. ??? ??? (MAX Lv) (Passive): +1 INT. ??? [/hider] [hider=Titles] Once you get titles, they along with their bonuses will be listed here. You can have one equipped at a time, but the bonuses of all Titles stack. [/hider] [hider=Inventory] Unlike normal games, in GQO you can only carry so much with you. Your standard Inventory has 10 slots, but can be expanded upon by either getting a bigger bag or things to expand said bag. The Items you're equipping do not take up Inventory space. Some Items may stack, but there aren't too many stackable items in this game. [hider2=Equipment] Main Hand: Off Hand: Body: Head: Arms: Feet: Accessories: [/hider2] [hider2=Items] 0/10 Slots Used Money: 10,000 Sens (¥) [/hider2] [/hider] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/65585/posts/ooc]CS Storage Thread[/url][/center]