[hider= Captain Redblood] [b]Name:[/b] Alexander Brutus Crommwell -Aka Captain Redblood [b]Age:[/b] 3 years since resurection. Died at age 31 [b]Race:[/b] Undead "Walking" risen from a human super soldier during experimental phases [b]Apearance:[/b] [img=http://everfirestudios.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/zombie-general2.jpg] 7'2 tall, weighing in at almost 400 lbs. his once mechanical armour has been replaced by more traditional undead garments, and simplified armour. His eyes were never found, and nysterious glowing orbs now take their place. [b]Personality:[/b] Surprisingly for an undead General, Redblood likes to sit down and watch wildlife, or stargaze. He is humble, modest, and keeps the lives of his troops in mind beore his own. He never was a huge fan of magic, even though he finds himself using it a tad bit more than he would apreciate. This general on the battlefield rellies on tactics to keep men alive, rather than simply resurect anybody who has fallen. He is a fan of medevil warfare, and also world war 3 (we will pretend its happened already). On the battlefield, this general makes multitudes of commands but is respected for leading by example. [b]Abilities:[/b] As with most undead, it takes quite a whallop before he can be killed, however, advanced human weaponry will still do the trick. He has a small assortment of magic to call upon, primarily used for bringing back fallen troops, enhancing said troops, or for causing brief moments of havock against an enemy force. He can in fact summon a skeletal horse, which he is often found riding. His swordsmanship, strength, and speed are also to be taken note of. His final ability rest in the ability to convert a livin person into an undead before killing them, by graspin then and staring into their soul. [b]Weapons:[/b] 1 Ultra great sword, weighing almost 200 lbs which he swings like a longsword. It is capable of cutting through the advanced mechanized armour of the human super soldiers, even from behind cover. In the hilt rest a tri burst assault riffle, loaded with a clip boltering 15 tracer rounds. 1 great shield, strong enough to withstand nearly any attack, short of an orbital strike. When crouching, this shield covers his entire body. Boots enchanted to drain the life from anything the soles touch. A pair of steel ceastus, in case things get ugly. [b]Bio:[/b] It is said, that before Alex signed up to be an experimental super soldier, he was an artist, who practiced swordplay with his grand father. He apreciated the finner things in life, and wanted to protect it. When the human super soldier projects were first made public, he was amungst the first to sign up. He joined during an experimental phaze, aimed at producing melee wariors rather than actual soldiers. The project was abandoned due to the increased efficiency of guns compared to swords. Alexander died on the battlefield next to a prodigy named "Carnage" in a last moment defense against an undead Rat scum and his troops. Some time later he was brought back by some filthy looking metal dragon. He tried to rejoin the humans, but was cast out, for his rotted flesh. He instead had to take up arms with the undead army, where he was given a shield and gunblade combo to fit his size. To this day, he stays at the captured human capitol of "New York" somewhere on the eastern end of the United states. He dosnt treat the humans unfairly, and there, he has become widely accepted as the leader of the city. Despite this rather nice life, with military rank, power, and luxury, he spends most of his time wishig he hadnt been brought back. He often stares over the city into the sunset woundering when this "prodigy" will come to reclaim the human city. When that day comes, either Alexander, or the human prodigy super soldier will be no more. [/hider]