[center] Alika Blackwater Alika had spent the rest of the time talking with Fai for a good while. Mostly talking about her abilities and powers as a Strike Witch and such, with Fai being somewhat understandably withdrawn as he was still adjusting to the times as Alika observed. Though she walked confidently to her first class, practically marching. Her posture was straight, her movements were precise and well timed, and her new school uniform was sharp and clean. Old habits die hard for Alika. Though she still wore her blue ribbon. She wasn't surprised in the least by her tentacle teacher, almost silently joking about how this seemed like a set up for some Japanese anime. Her class was by all means the most diverse class she had ever had, from robots to orcs. Elena had came in last, looking tired and a bit of a mess, once again not surprising to Alika in the least bit, but Elena seemed to have possessed enough awareness of the situation to sit next to Alika, smiling at her meekly, and face plant into the desk. "At least she remembered to put on the proper uniform..." Alika thought with a sigh. Glancing around the class, she then spotted Fai, and gave a little nod. Soon it came her turn to stand up and give her little introduction. "I'm Alika Blackwater from Earth, particularly the United States of America. I was originally training to become a Strike Witch for my nation's Air Force at the United States Air Force Academy before being transfered here. I hope to get to know all of you better and protect both worlds." she finished, taking her seat again. As the class moved on, she took careful notes on everything, typing them down on her touch pad. Alika couldn't help but smile, as she always enjoyed in when the information she was being taught was not only useful, but interesting as well. It wasn't before long that class gave way to lunch and Alika soon found herself standing with her tray looking for someone to sit with. A warm slice of pizza and some fries along with a soda sat on her tray, tempting her to just sit down and start eating, but thankfully she soon found who she was looking for. She saw the boy named Varren, the one who said he was the successor of a company that caught Alika's attention. She sat herself down across from him and nodded. "Hey is this seat taken?" --- Elena Akulova "This world.... is pain.... uuuuuuugggghhh....." was what Elena continually repeated as she walked... or more like shuffled her way to class. She barley noticed the sizable hole in the wall and only gave a small nod to Alika as she sat down next to them. Between staying up late having fun with Ralph and getting hit with a serious case of jet lag, Elena felt horrible this morning. As introductions made there rounds, the finally reached Elena, who thankfully heard them. Practically picking herself up, she gave her introduction, starting with a yawn. "Hello comrades.... I am Elena Akulova... Russia, a country on earth. I was previously serving with the 8th Mechanized Division as.... *yawn* combat air support in the Chrimea region... Before being sent here... I am a Strike Witch... Like my friend Alika here...." with that she sat down and began to lazily listen to the teacher. Thankfully the class wasn't to boring and it held her attention for a little while. She took particular note of the various combat classes and the rankings. By lunch, she was a awake and ready to eat. She had ordered tacos surprisingly, citing she hadn't had any real tasting food for several months while on the front. She happily walked over to where the orc she had met yesterday and sat next to him with a smile. "Privet comrade! How are you doin?" [/center]