Ayaka watched Q-1’s introductions with a sort of genuine interest about her eyes, quickly putting a name to each face in her memory. It would become helpful to the Kitsune later when the teacher explained a concept she had [i]completely [/i] zoned out on. Other students from Japan received a subtle glance of surprise from her. Japan always makes a great topic of discussion, considering how culturally different it was from other places on Earth. Soon the introductions ended, kicking ayaka’s doubts of the teacher being at all a point of interest quite high but she found herself internalizing the information. Considering that she hadn’t brought any material to take notes, she did that throughout most of the lesson with the occasional glance in a random direction, whether it be outside in the snow or finding the quiet source of noise somebody’s tapping quirk came from. The Kitsune felt a pulse of excitement quicken her heart when Fenris mentioned Basic training occurring tomorrow, where she hoped to shine. The school uniforms virtually made he feel naked in the absence of her armor. The security and confidence it streamed for itself was to die for, and when it was missing she felt as if a piece of her was missing. The only time in the past she’d convince herself to venture beyond that was in the times of sleep because the tough external covering made for painful skin sores in the morning. Her and the dress code weren’t going to agree with each other in the future. When lunch begun, Ayaka perked up quickly, the prayers to the lesson being curtailed, answered. If it was socially accepted, she probably would have stood up and bounded out of the room like some hyped football player with a huge ego. She strides out of the room with the air of peace about her, which dissipated into the atmosphere when she’d taken one too many of the wrong turns despite the path to the lunchroom being clearly labeled throughout the hallways. Trashing the thought of requesting help, Ayaka decided to wander around campus for sightseeing…and eventually, finding the lunch room. The Kitsune quite literally brushed shoulders with [b] Raule [/b] arrogantly. It wasn’t the type of brush that was unintentional, it was one that would knock them into oblivion had they been knock-kneed and clumsy in their ways. It was almost asking for a brawl without verbally admitting it, without giving them a chance to retaliate or respond. “Oh. Didn’t see you there.” She mumbled nonchalantly, lacking in sincerity and flicking her hand off to the side as if it were brushing away all the cares in the world she had about it. Needless to say, “bullying” creatures close to humans felt at home to her, especially if it was [i] that [/i] fifth year. She’d almost forget she wasn’t in Japan in those seconds. Eventually, Ayaka found the lunchroom 10 minutes after the rest of her first year classmates made their ways there. Her appetite was petite, reaching for a banana or two. There were people at every table and the chatter was fairly quiet, pointing out that no one really knew anyone, outside of negative relations. The slender women glanced away from the food collecting areas, immediately making that awkward eye contact with Ralthavar, who was too, searching in depth for someone to socialize with. She’d arrivied about the same time the girl with tacos accompanied the Orc, sitting on the opposite side Elena was. “Ralth! How’s your first day as a first year going?” As a matter of fact, the girls spoke at the same time, making the whole conversation sounding like a trainwreck before it ever begun.