[b] Maribeth - Brooklyn - Julius[/b] As they arrived to the house, Maribeth only helped Julius until they got up to the third floor. Her mental grasp on him died and she let out a sigh of relief. She hadn't given herself enough time to rest and had pushed her limits. The low yet annoying headache in her mind affirming her assumption. "I hope they don't have anyone out for me yet. I don't really want to resort to violence. What I had today was enough for a few months." She grinned at Julius and caught the key as he tossed it in the air, turning on her toes and walking over to the cupboard. "I'll take out two for now. If some decide to drop by, I'll take out more." She took two bed rolls out and held them under each arm. "There's rooms here, right?" Maribeth began walking through the hallways while talking to Julius at the same time. "Europe was nice. Very relaxing since I was staying in very rural areas in Italy. Far out towns that barely used TV's and such. No one knew about Unnaturals..... And if they did, they didn't care. I was treated like a normal human." She frowned as she said normal. Something she wished she could be once again. Her mind recalled what Julius had said about Diego being right. If what he meant was about living in peace with the humans, they were both wrong. It could be done again. "I picked up their language fairly easily. I'm not fluent, but I could live there if I wanted to. I can fake an accent though. If i try hard enough, I can make myself sound like I'm really from there. It's helped in certain situations." She smiled at the memories and turned into a room, grinning as she found a bed. "Here's one." She began making the bed as she spoke out to Julius, "How are you and Allister though. When was the last time you saw her?" Once she was done with the bed she began wandering through the halls again, finding two more rooms at the end with two twin beds in each room. "Oh no, I'm not sleeping in [i]that[/i] tiny thing." She muttered to herself. The girl lifted her hand, and with a flick of the wrist, the two beds slid together to form a bigger bed. Satisfied with her work, she began to make the bed while listening to Julius speak, feeling like she was at home finally for some reason. She walked back out to where Julius was and grabbed her black handbag, standing there for a bit, listening to him until he was done. "Will you give me a minute? I've been walking around since I landed this morning. I'm drenched and I'm tired of wearing heels. Let me change and I'll come right back out to join you." Maribeth smiled at her old friend and turned quickly to where she decided she'd be sleeping that night, shutting the door behind her, throwing her back bag on the bed and pulling out a white, long sleeved shirt and some dark blue skinny jeans along with a black leather jacket. Even with her extremely small folding and smart packing, she couldn't fit a pair of normal boots in, so she'd have to keep wearing her high heeled boots until she found out where to buy another pair. It had been one hell of a day and all she wanted was to get something in her stomach and wrap herself around a blanket. Finding her old friend was a huge plus.