[center][img]http://www.sundrygroupbd.net/TCorporateLife/roadcafe/cafe_0_0.jpg[/img][/center] I find myself continuously bored and searching for a warm atmosphere and friendly conversation, so I decided to create a place for just that. I'm an avid coffee drinker, but I invite people of all favored beverages to join me here. Whether your drink of choice is tea, cocoa, or Red Bull or some other non-caffeinated liquid you're quite welcome here. Now sit down with your favorite drinkable fluid and make yourself comfortable. Talk about yourself, talk about other people, talk about the newest season of Doctor Who, talk about your deep thoughts, talk about your role-plays. Any topic of conversation is fine, friendly debate too but if you find yourself getting worked up over something please take it to PM with the person-in-question so as not to disrupt the mood for the rest of us. If you're like me you suck at starting a conversation, so I'll step out of my comfort zone for once and start off with: Hi, I'm Clirkus, I'm a college student who enjoys coffee and chill conversation with chill people. I laugh at my own jokes 'cause I'm so darned hilarious and I'm terrified of spiders. If I grow up I want to be a published author because I love writing stories and I want other people to enjoy the creations of my imagination. I aim to entertain and my friends would all tell you I'm the class clown. I like meeting new people and being spontaneous, and at the moment I have a lot of homework that I'm pointedly not doing. How was your day?