Franklin cheerfully smiled at Timothy. "Aw, come on, it's alright big guy. She's only an eevee. She's not scary. She's fluffy, and cute." Franklin said, trying to calm him down. He thought it was kind of odd for such a big rock type to be afraid. They're usually as stalwart as the earth itself, and such. Whatever, he knew that everyone had a softer side anyways. "Hi," Franklin said to the eevee with a smile. It wasn't often he met a pokemon smaller than himself, even if it was only a few inches. "I'm Franklin." All of this was making him excited and a bit nostalgic. It reminded him of his father and all of his fellow guild members he would always have around the house. Planning missions to go help him. He thought he remembered a Rhypherior coming once, and he was really nice like Timothy. He also remembered meeting an Espeon. All of the pokemon here reminded him of his father and his father's rescue guild. That was always a plus, because these were the kind of pokemon he strived to be, so he was glad to have some similar surrounding him.