@ Kaito Kuze There are no decimals. I appreciate the calculations and don't mean to sound rude, but there are no fractions here cause then shit would get REALLY confusing (lets not make the math too hard for our book keeping GM here ;3). If fractions do appear, I round the hell out of them. Cause f*ck decimals ;3 So here are what your Stats look like (with two Mystery Skills and your Attribute applied) [hider=Status Window] Level: 1 XP: 0 0/48 Points STR: 11 VIT: 6 AGI: 6 INT: 6 WIS: 3 CHA: 9 SPI: 5 LUK: 5 HP: 47 HP Regen: 1 MP: 20 MP Regen: 1 Constitution: 5 Resistance: 2 [/hider] [hider=Talent Window] Talent Points: 30 + 2 = 1/32 Acrobatics (AGI):1 Animal Handling (CHA): 4 Appraisal (INT): 2 Climbing (STR): 4 Crafting (INT): 4 First Aid (INT): 1 Fisticuffs (AGI): 0 Focus (WIS): 0 Herbalism (INT): 0 Knowledge (INT): 0 Manipulate Device (AGI): 0 Melee Weaponry (AGI): 2 Negotiation (CHA):4 Observation (INT): 2 Performance (CHA):4 Projectile Weaponry (AGI): 0 Sleight of Hand (AGI):0 Stealth (AGI): 3 Thrown Weapons (AGI):0 [/hider] Your character has one Talent Point remaining (cause you get a number of Talent Points equal to 1/3rd of your INT, you had 1.65 or something like that for some reason o.o) Also Resistance is 1/2 WIS + 1/4th SPI (mainly cause will is more used to passively block energy while a stronger spirit just gives you more of it)