@ Zombehs HP and MP Regen are per minute. (I might change ow it works. Right now it may seem bad, but various Attributes, Skills, and Items can boost both MP and HP Regen as well). Constitution is 2. Knowledge would be 5 cause of your Trait (as that's the only way to use Magic at chara creation). The Focus Ring sounds pretty much the same as the Wand (both can handle Cantrips only, which are basic beginner spells meant for introducing someone to magic). In fact, your Focus Ring and the Wand do the same exact thing (the wand is just held in one hand and can be used to smack people as well). I guess I can allow the Focus Ring, but it wouldn't have a mana bolt attack (a weak ring like that wouldn't be able to do that). Usually Focus Rings (which I did have as an additional weapon type, but in reality they are more like Accessories rather than Weapons) like that would be used by those who wield weapons meant for hitting in their hands. A pure mage like your character would be better off with a Wand (or something like it) as his starting weapon (unless you want a Knife or something, ill allow you to have that along with the ring, something simple). Flash (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Active: 7 MP + 2 MP/Min): A basic light spell, part of the Cantrips. Emits a bright light when used, inflicting Blind on enemies who fail to resist. Duration of ailment is 5 Seconds. To Level Up: Use Flash, Blind a Foe. (Note that there are usually around 5 to 6 seconds in a Round, as everyone's turns takes place within a 5 to 6 second interval. 10 Rounds are in a Minute. But yea, other than this, Zombehs your character is pretty much good to go. (the Skill was cool to, a good Cantrip spell)