Suddenly a warrior charged into the fray from an unexpected direction, covered head to toe in what appeared to be armor cobbled together out of the bones and other miscellaneous parts of various slain monsters. The weapon he wielded likewise seemed to be constructed out of scavenged monster parts, taking the shape of a crude lance or sharpened tube likely made out of some large beast's horn and sharpened to an even deadlier piercing point then it already naturally possessed. In the armored hunter's other hand was a large shield crafted from still more monster parts, though a quick glance made it appear extremely sturdy nevertheless. Yelling a battlecry, the strange fighter used his running momentum to stab at the legendary dragon. Hidden underneath the form concealing armor, Morito gritted his teeth as he drove the improvised lance at the monster. Getting lost in the vast forests had been humiliating and difficult, but luckily he was eventually able to make it here in time to join in on the attack. The fact that he had been continuously delayed by attacks from much lesser monsters only provided him with much better equipment and a decent workout, in the long run. He had even built slight adjustments into the armor so it concealed his identity and made him appear bigger and taller, so overall it was a win even if it had taken him far too long.