[Yay! Here's my CS. It may be altered if things need be added. :3 ] Name: Yolanda Grieg Age: 23 Gender: Female Height: 5' 10" Weight: 132 lbs Shift into: Puff Adder - Bitis Arietans. Highly venomous snake and cause of the most deaths in South Africa. Heavily camouflaged and heavy set, they are slow moving but so dangerous to humans as they do not move out of the way when approached. Long fanged, they inject venom deeply and cause swelling, severe pain and hemorrhage. The skin around the bite area will die and fall away, as a side effect of the venom. Appearance: Yolanda is average in height and slender in build with faint muscle definition. She has short hair that has been slicked back and dyed bleach blonde. Pale skinned. She has dark brown eyes, which in contrast with her skin, appear to be black. The pale skin of her back has been elaborately inked with the solid lines of a tattoo depicting a grotesque scene of demons and the Devil himself. Personality: Yolanda is a sly woman. Conniving and secretive, it's often difficult to tell what she is about to do. Despite this, however, she is loyal to those she feels are deserving. Once her loyalty has been secured, she is protective and fierce. Yolanda has a tendency to be sarcastic, dryly humorous and cynical but has the capacity to be kind and tender. Able to be extremely persuasive when need be. She has a touch of nihilsm to her. Other: Yolanda was born and raised in South Africa and as such has a strong South African accent. At a fairly young age, it was discovered that she could shift into a snake. This caused distress for her parents but they were loving people and promised to protect their daughter, despite how different she was. They were able to keep her ability under wraps until, when threatened in her snake form, she bit a local boy and ultimately caused his death. Due to her slow moving form, she was easily tracked by those out for revenge. When a girl was instead found at the end of their trail, accusations of witchcraft and satanic worship were thrown, her tattoo only further proof in the eyes of the furious townspeople. Her parents, as loving as ever, encouraged her to flee. And flee she did. She skipped town and the country all together, unsure of where she was going but not particularly caring. Yolanda saw her ability as a gift rather than a curse, despite what it has caused. When in her travels she caught wind of others just like her, she set off to find them, hoping to build another home for herself.