[center] It's been 30 years since it happened, 30 years since the bombs hit. Where they came from and who hit us never even crossed their mind. All They was focused on after they hit was surviving. Many were lost in the blast, radiation zones and storms that came with the bombs, but most of them just lingered on wondering why they were left in this now barren wasteland still called The US of A. Most of the farm land cant be used anymore 'cause of the radiation, and wont be used for a long time. They had to survive on their own. After two years they had accepted that there was no government trying to make things better, there was no military coming to save them. It was them against the world now. The following 28 years was what they, and many others know to be how thing were, are and forever will be for the USA: Fighting for their lives as they try to make order among the chaos. --- --- --- We were able to get some form of civilized life going eventually, but because of that we were a major target for raiders. They came a lot, sometimes twice or more a day, they would try to get past the wall we made around out town. It wasn't until recently that i started to question our survivability here with them coming so often. Just last spring the Raiders hit hard and took out half of the wall guard, and now I am not so sure that it is wise to stay here. ^V^V^V^V-----The Few and The Far-----V^V^V^V^ [/center]