At that same time, Nobuo flew into the battle field via his Jet Winger. As Morito ran to stab the dragon, Nobuo flew upwards and fired a few bullets from his gun towards the Dragon. What took him so long was more of a battle of inner morals. He wasn't involved in the fight in the cave so he had no idea if Ghost Rider was the monster that Archer put down or if he just murdered him, give lip service about what he had to do and hoped no one would be the wiser. It didn't help that the memories of him killing the members of the Guerilla Marketing Firm were made fresh in his head thanks to Ghost Rider's Penance Stare. The morality of killing was always left to Super Sentai's metaphorical big brother to discuss. For the most part, Sentai Villains never had shades of gray save for rare exceptions. [i]But[/i], he [i]does[/i] know about the anti-heroes, which, if what Archer said to Vash was true, he fits into. He's just in his 'Burai-at-the-beginning-of-Zyuranger' phase and needs to be taken down a peg or two before reforming into a total good guy. But first, he had to fulfill a promise that Vash and others made: No one else would die.