[center]Ralthavar Marchosias[/center] --- Ralthavar was carving a piece a meat for his bread when two girls came to his seat. He was familiar with both of them, or at least, he knew their names. Ayaka Cho. Sometimes goes by Talia. He did see a fox slip near her seat when she introduced herself, and he imagined that the fox was a pet of hers. It reminded him that he was expecting Andari at some point this week. Next was Elena Akulova, the Strike Witch. Her groggy introduction told him that she was still under the effects of the night before, though now it seemed that she had become chipper. Ralthavar was rather glad to see these two girls come to him before he had to find someone, since they were familiar. [b]"I'm just fine, Akulova. Last night was quite entertaining, wasn't it? I'd imagine that there will be another tonight if everyone isn't too busy."[/b] He than turned his head towards Ayaka, but not without offering a bit of his lunch to her pet fox.[b]"The teacher certainly talked a lot. I could hardly keep all the notes. Still, it's good to know that he's not just going to be throwing us one-by-one into the black gate. His lecture on different types of combat roles at least tells me that we'll do some open warfare type of situations. Or something."[/b] Ralthavar began to carve out some of the turducken for Ayaka and Elena without really thinking about it. It was just something he was used to doing as the boss. Plus it didn't seem like either of the two girls have eaten yet. Once he gave the both of them some of his fairly large lunch, Ralthavar spoke. [b]"So, what do either of you two do in a fight? As the teacher said, I am a a Warlock. That means I gain most of my magical powers from an outside source, such as spirits, demons, or objects. Like this staff."[/b] Ralthavar reached underneath the table to take out his staff, which had three skulls hanging from the tip. [b]"Each of these skulls contain the spirit of a powerful mage. Through the staff I can use their magic. Of course, when I can't use magic, I also have my axe and my shotgun."[/b] Ralthavar put his staff on the table for the two girls to examine more closely, but he turned to Elena with a gleam of curiosity. [b]"Akulova, I noticed that you have a weapon similar to my shotgun, and yet it seems much more... Powerful. Truly it must be a weapon of great power, one suitable for yourself. What can you tell me about it?"[/b] And not wanting to leave Ayaka hanging, Ralthavar turned to her and her pet. It was a small silver fox, which reminded him of the great Grey Foxes back at Malakaus. [b]"I'm guessing the silver fox is yours, mistress Cho?"[/b] Ralthavar smirked as he noted the whip on her. He was no novice when it came to the... Commanding aspect of the lash. [b]"Is it magical? I have a magical companion myself. He's not here right now, though I expect him sometime this week. What can you tell me about your fox?"[/b] [center]Harmonious First[/center] --- Around the campus, the various orcs of the Harmonious First were around doing their own thing, mostly eating. Some of them went to the fort and started debating what they should call the fort and how they were going to expand from there, as well as what should be built and what sort of wards put up. Other orcs were taking advantage of all the free food and the various technology for their advantage, such as ordering a large amount of food and stuffing it all into a refrigerator to keep for later. Some also made an extreme order for potatoes and rice, mostly so they could brew up alcohol even though they still never got permission to create stills. Notably, in the cafeteria, a trio of orcs approached [b]Loreal[/b]. Goruza, Hakak, and Kizziar, three "Gun Tanks" who formed the Bulwark. Gun Tanks were a fairly new type of warriors for the orcs, as they fought in heavy impenetrable armor and with large tower shields, relying on guns and firearms to do damage against their enemies. They've proven rather effective against infantry, though less so against bigger beast who can shrug off their .45 rounds. These three orcs came over to Loreal, with the intention of befriending her. Goruza, the only female, started the introductions. "Well hey there elf, what's your name?" Goruza took a seat at the table were Loreal sat, while the other two boys stood around trying to act cool.