For today's battle, YingJue took out a [url=]Guul[/url] that she had prepared beforehand. Despite its bulky appearance, the Mythos was flight capable, but YingJue thought that by putting it on a flight platform, it would reinforce the first impression most people had of the Mythos, causing them to underestimate it, thinking they could win by simply shooting down the Guul. She headed to the stadium, wondering who she was going to face. --- "Well, we're finally here, Thierry," Said a [url=]young woman with short, wavy, dark violet hair and red eyes framed behind oval glasses[/url]. She pushed a wheelchair with a [url=]young man, with straight, dark violet hair, and red eyes behind oval glasses[/url]. The resemblance between this brother-sister pair, fraternal twins, was striking. "Yes, thank you, Regina, for accompanying me all this way," the man, Thierry, replied. "Don't sweat it," Regina said, "Besides, it's not like I don't enjoy being here." They continued to the stadium, eager to spectate the upcoming matches.