[quote=The Grey Dust] Here is my bid for a place in this Rp. [/quote] Accepted. When you say Mid-Eastern and an unknown birthplace I assume you are talking about outside the continent of Gaia? Are you saying your character was born in a different province and came here by sea? There is no desert in Gaia, but we could always extend it if you wanted him to born in Gaia. Nice character though. [quote=thorgili] wrote this up on a google doc so i have to put in a few things to make it fancy and clean it up a bit (so for some part a WIP) I had alot of Inspirateion from celtic culture for Muiray (it is quite obvious) with inspiration from Ivanhoe and Gawaine and the Greenknight for inspiration on Eamon's character.Name: Sir Eamon MacDuggarty the Green of MuirayAge: 38Race: Caucasian (Celtic complexion)Class: Freelance Knight (Previously the Thane of Cawglen and heir to the Duchie of Muiray before exile)Occupation: Freelancer (He works as a mercenary for lords along with preforming basic knightly duties such as protecting the peasentry and upholding the chivalric code)Appearance:http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RG2y0a-QemE/UijriWnlrUI/AAAAAAAAFGw/UDQG24ubUkU/s1600/Eoin+Macken1.jpgWeapon(s):LanceBastard Swordsmall steel daggerClaymoreHeater Shieldhttp://www.jameszoppe.com/ecms/uploads/tinymce/100_0397_640x480.jpgArmour: (As above.)Antlered Great Helm: A tradition of the Muiray people to mount antlers and horns on their helmets to strike fear into their enemieslight plate mail, and chainmail as seen below: Muirish perfer to have more speed and agility allowing them to easily slice down their foes with their great claymores and swordshttp://www.thevikingstore.co.uk/ekmps/shops/thevikingstore1/images/larp-plate-armor-set-markward-set-metallic-3990-p.jpghorse barding in the colors of green and whiteInventory: The bulk of his items are not carried with him on his horse but are carried on a large packhorse which rides alongside Eamon’’s squire Baldrick. the few items he does ride with are his armaments and his lockbox which contain his and baldrick’s coffers along with important documents such as letters of commendation contracts and Letters of Reprisal. other items areA leather bound Codex in which he has baldrick describe his adventures and feats.A small cask of wine2 wine sacks (one for him and one for baldrick)A small crate of hard tackseveral sacks which hold smoked fish and salted porkflint and steela map of Southern GaiaMuirish Flutea pair of spare boots compassa bottle of and a quill2 iron tankarda large a half shelterbedrollA small banner and stand which the MacDuggarty Heraldry.(note this does not include baldrick’s items which are mainly tools such as spade hatchets etc.)Place of Birth: Eamon was born in Muiray a island province a few miles off the coast of Mainland Gaia near Mournhold. Muirish people have been hardened and grown resiliant to the grey and dank climate that enshrouds their island large rain storms are a common occurrance in muiray and it air is often wet and frigid. Their culture differs much from the culture of Mainland Gaia a people whom on the outside is seen as stoic and stern with every special quirk steeped in tradition and the bloody history of their people. From the begining before becoming a part of the 5 kingdoms the island of muiray has been one of constant warfare with the many clans often warring over muiray’s mountains and glens. Now united by the 5 kingdoms the Muirish still uphold their clan rivalries but instead on the field of battle (aside from the occasional duel or skirmish) they take place in the courts of the Duke of Muiray (previously the seat of the High king of Muiray) and are fought not with claymores or spears but words and a well placed coin or two. While the Muirish have somewhat settled down their errant and belligerent nature has not causing the Island of Muir and the Muirish to become reknown thoughout gaia as skilled mercenaries.Sexuality: Straight/heterosexualMarital Status: previously engaged before exileBrief History: Born to Duke Robert of muiray the first of two sons. Eamon grew up in the life of a noble learning the ways of diplomacy and stewardship. He was groomed as the eventual heir his father and he had constantly quarreled with his brother Patrick who was jealous of his kin’s inheritance. At the age of 15 he was granted the Title of Thane of Cawglen a large castle in Inner Muiray. During his time as thane he did much to help the castle’s peasentry building them better housing at his own expense and during times of famine gave the contents of the castle’s larder to the people. He soon became admired among the serfs gaining much public support. But it was at the age of 24 the Thane’s life began to spiral into a downfall. He held a large banquet at the Castle Cawglen along with a small but luxurious fare in the townstead below to celebrate his father’s 50th birthday. The whole town was livley and full of music inside the castle the strumming of and the sound of the drums echoed through the stone halls. The partywent on for hours each minute filled with good drink and good food but when the time came for the court to return to bed the court was horrified. Duke Robert whom had retired several hours previous was found dead in the bed a spilled class of wine at his bedside. Soon after a chaos ensued as they tired to locate the killer but to most of the court the answer was obvious His brother Patrick was the first to accuse him citing the fact that Eamon was not only the king cupbearer during the event but also said he had over seen the serving of the win himself.Slowly but surley the other counts and thanes turned against Eamon no doubt with the help of a few purse’s of patricks gold. within months he was tired and sentenced to exile in the mainland. So at the age of 24 with his 25th birthday nearing Eamon left his home of Muiray along with his most valuable possesions and his trusty squire Baldrick. Upon landing he struggled to gain the support of the Gaian lords to help and press his claim on the Duchy of Muiray but his words fell upon deaf ears with most lord being indifferent to the happens on the island. with his coffers getting low he decided in desperation to turn toward becoming a mercenary. trading in the silks and satans of nobility for a set of armour and a horse he and Baldrick wandered southern gaia working for the various counts and barons but one thing made him stand out from the swathes of other Muirish Mercenaries and that was the man’s sense of order and morality while his kinsmen would drink and revel at their encampments Eamon instead rode out to the surrounding towns assisting the peasentry whenever possible. in the coming years his fame grew with whole villages turning out to see the green clad knight ride down their streets.Although his knightly appearance for the most part Eamon lived in poverty often sacreficing what little coin or supplies he had left for the people.Other: [/quote] God damn Google doc for how that looks when you click quote! Haha. Nice CS, accepted. Feel free to tidy it up whenever you have the chance but I got through it. I love, love, love Celtic stuff so it was an awesome little CS to read. Thank-you. [b]@Zaga[/b] As always it's a pleasure to have you on board, nice character accepted. To everyone else who I haven't mentioned you're all accepted and welcome aboard! Looking forward to seeing you're posts in the IC.