Coffee is good. Chocolate is good. Chocolate Coffee is beautiful. So, eh, hey I guess. I'm Desk Lamp, but you can just call me...uh, I don't have a nickname actually. I'm a highschooler in Asia, though I have spent a majority of my life in America. (WOO USA! USA! USA!) In fact, this is my first time coming home to Asia in, what, ten years? I'm a reader of odd and obscure books provided cheaply by the trusty local secondhand bookstore, the speaker of two and a half languages, and an obsessor over the supernatural and strange (even if it scares the living oompaloompas outta me). Admittedly, I ain't a Social Sally. I'm pretty reserved when I'm not in my element, but can be pretty chatty around close friends and family. I like to draw, and hope to become a cartoonist or videogame designer one day. If that doesn't work, my Plan B is to become a chef. If [I]that[/i] doesn't work, Plan C is to [b]take over the world and open up a portal to the dark world of Tirgoszonia to enslave all of humanity[/b]. :) Right now, I'm writng this on my glitchy phone while pretending to be asleep even though my curfew is still a good chunk away...yeah.. I have not caught up to Dr. Who X_X Just on the second season, gah. I like cosplaying. Tetri, who are you cosplaying as? :D