Sitting in the front row, Myriad had little trouble understanding the words and implications that the teacher was offering. He eye'd the amazing spectacle that he called a "vert" and even more so, couldn't wait to obtain one for himself. Alexandria, a brunette beside him with blue eyes nudged his shoulder in secret; when he turned towards her, she smiled and raised a thumbs up. He figured she saw the excitement on his face, so he responded with a small smile and thumbs up as well. He directed his attention back towards the man before she did. Ascot as usual left him feeling irked -he hated the way his words implied violence- and this new guy had him feeling a bit uncomfortable. Teachers often tested their students and so far, every teacher he's had had discovered his hidden ability. [i]It might be harder this time around,[/i] He told himself, worrying over the reaction of his peers. [i]This teacher seems perceptive. If he outs me to the entire class, I'll be scrutinized. That's more work for me. [/i] With that in mind, Myriad kept his pristine eyes on the man in front of him, his lips tightly closed as he asked for questions. He was determined not to ask any, even though he had so many swimming in his head. [i]Perhaps, one wouldn't hurt,[/i] He convinced himself. His pale hand rose up, its arms covered by a beige tunic that was loosely tied by the neck. [b]"Real quick, I wanted to know how you plan on testing to see which way we learn? and is it possible to be a genius without tendencies from all three?"[/b] his lips quirked to the side a bit, a gentle frown twitching his youthful face.[b]"It seems a bit... discouraging is all."[/b]