John surveyed the room as he waited for a question anything showing interest. His thumb idly ticked against his katana handle, a nervous tick. "Real quick, I wanted to know how you plan on testing to see which way we learn? and is it possible to be a genius without tendencies from all three?" his lips quirked to the side a bit, a gentle frown twitching his youthful face. "It seems a bit... discouraging is all." Johns eyes shot to the student almost like knifes cutting the flesh. This Boy? No young man asked a question about the learning styles he had explained. He had assumed that the “children” were all just that. That they would fawn over the Verts and not even hear what he had to say. As the question was asked a lot of the glazed over looks vanished as they started to pay attention again. “Well, it’s not that one is a genius when learning with all three. It’s that teachers are usually too dumb to know how to teach with all three.” He began. “Imagine this. You have a classroom full of people that that learn visually and the teacher is teaching through recordings. These students will have a hard time learning unless they jot down every word and read it all. But a classroom full of students who learn through listening find the class a breeze.” He walked over and took his cup of tea drinking the entire thing in a gulp. Speaking sure did make the throat dry. “Also I’m not sure if I should teach through the Verts. I know they want to be bonded with people but it’s just…” He paused almost looking as if he took a hit. “It’s like letting a child go to people I don’t even know.” John walked over to the box where he had all the Verts laid out. His hands caressed each one as he looked back at the students. “So I suppose I could teach you and until you gain my trust, none will gain a Verts. A class experiment.” He smiled as he looked over to Ascot, who had in a way gained his trust. It was also a way to ensure that no one got a verts. Then again they were created for this purpose. He looked troubled. “Any more questions?” He asked.